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世界冠军Fritz Storm告诉你,为什么精品咖啡对消费者那么贵呢?
关注咖评(微信公众号 vdailycom ) 发现美好咖啡馆 开一家自己的小店 为什么精品咖啡对消费者那么贵呢?在咖啡店里卖的比超市贵五倍,是可以被接受、持续下去的吗?就让世界冠军Fritz Storm告诉你吧 1. -Talking about pricing. Why does specialty coffee have
2017-08-02 世界冠军 Fritz Storm 告诉 为什么 精品 咖啡 -
WE咖啡 为爱读书的人创造一片净土
咖啡店举办活动。 专业咖啡师交流 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style ) 金科街1楼,WE咖啡咖啡店老板侯爽像往常一样,趁着店里没有顾客,在咖啡店里一边看书一边小憩。 几位中年男子走进来,坐下就冲着侯爽嚷嚷:老板,麻烦拿副牌,再多搬几张椅子过来也
2017-07-21 咖啡 读书 创造 一片 净土 咖啡店 举办 活动 专业 -
专业咖啡知识交流 更多咖啡豆资讯 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style ) Sumatra is back in our coffee lineup! A few years back, we had a fine Mandheling which was so good, we could hardly let go of it. Subsequent crops didnt come near the
2018-10-02 苏门答腊 林东 曼特 咖啡 口感 如何 咖啡豆 怎么 专业 -
空间 IN COFFEE WE TRUST 设计感咖啡馆推荐
身边有个强人 是个有艺术气息的水管工 他铺的水管可算得上艺术品级别的 即使那规则排布的水管最后会被水泥掩埋 他依然把那水管拍得那么的规整 大家也许会问,什么叫艺术级别的水管阵列? 鉴于这厮最近欺骗我,所以我就不上他的作品了 不能让他嚣张 看看下面
2016-05-07 空间 COFFEE TRUST 设计 咖啡馆 推荐 身边 有 -
The Tubbi knockbox is the perfect accessory for home baristas to help you dispose of your espresso pucks. It has been over a year in development and gone through many prototypes but finally we got there in the end with a brilliant, yet ver
2015-07-08 雅图 国际 Cafelat 塑钢 粉渣筒 270g The -
The Tubbi knockbox is the perfect accessory for home baristas to help you dispose of your espresso pucks. It has been over a year in development and gone through many prototypes but finally we got there in the end with a brilliant, yet ver
2015-09-22 雅图 国际 Cafelat 塑钢 粉渣筒 270g The -
Peter Dupont 2007年BGT专访记录
Peter Dupont:以下简称 Peter baristaguildoftaiwan.org:以下简称BGT BGT:What inspired you to be a roaster in coffee industry? 怎么进来这一行的? Peter:There were two steps in this. Firstly back in 1998 I had my first cup of Specialty Coffee
2015-10-23 Peter Dupont 2007年 BGT 专访 记录 P -
咖啡处理法 蜜处理 黄蜜红蜜黑蜜 哥斯达黎加发明的处理方式
与水洗处理法和日晒处理法两大传统处理方法并列,蜜处理方法也成为咖啡处理方法中的一支独秀。蜜处理即honey 或者miel,honey 即为蜂蜜的意思,miel是拉丁语中蜜的意思,所以这种方法的豆子总让人联想到香甜。在很多场合和条件下,似乎pluped natural 处理法
2016-07-14 咖啡 处理 黄蜜红 蜜黑 哥斯达黎加 发明 方式 水洗 -
塑钢粉渣筒(500g) Cafelat Knockbox
The replacement to our Classic knockbox is finally a reality. Our designer Karina had done numerous versions of this and eventually we got a great design that functions great and looks fantastic. Just like the Tubbi knockbox, Karina has ma
2015-07-08 塑钢 粉渣筒 500g Cafelat Knockbox T -
Cafelat Knockbox 塑钢粉渣筒(500g)
The replacement to our Classic knockbox is finally a reality. Our designer Karina had done numerous versions of this and eventually we got a great design that functions great and looks fantastic. Just like the Tubbi knockbox, Karina has ma
2015-09-22 Cafelat Knockbox 塑钢 粉渣筒 500g T -
My Coffee Wall 挂墙式咖啡机
My Coffee Wall Designer: Song Ah Lee We love our coffee so much that we are doing two posts on it today! Plus I am totally intrigued by the Black Luk, a wall mounted coffee machine that dispenses a cuppa java at a time. It is quite a radic
2015-09-22 Coffee Wall 挂墙 咖啡机 -
My Coffee Wall 挂墙式咖啡机
My Coffee Wall Designer: Song Ah Lee We love our coffee so much that we are doing two posts on it today! Plus I am totally intrigued by the Black Luk, a wall mounted coffee machine that dispenses a cuppa java at a time. It is quite a radic
2015-07-07 Coffee Wall 挂墙 咖啡机 -
The Coffee Quality Institute(CQI)
Overview The Coffee Quality Institute (CQI)(咖啡质量研究所) is a nonprofit organization working internationally to improve the quality of coffee and the lives of the people who produce it. CQI provides training and technical assistance to
2014-07-25 咖啡师 咖啡百科 -
You should probably be drinking your morning cup of coffee around10 a.m., according to a new video from AsapScience. 科普频道AsapScience近日发布视频声称,早上十点或许是喝咖啡的最佳时间。 We know, we know. If youre an I-need-caffeine-as-soo
2015-06-02 咖啡 也有 最佳 时间 -
The Coffee Quality Institute(CQI)
Overview The Coffee Quality Institute (CQI)(咖啡质量研究所) is a nonprofit organization working internationally to improve the quality of coffee and the lives of the people who produce it. CQI provides training and technical assistance to
2015-07-06 The Coffee Quality Institute C -
Perci N2 L39 The name Perci is derived in part from the word perspective, a single unified awareness from sensory processes while a stimulus is present. When we first evaluated these coffees blind, we were sure they were Ethiopian naturals
2016-07-12 九十 巴拿马 瑰夏 庄园 强烈 樱桃 混合 果汁 味道 Pe -
知名烘焙商Peet's Coffee & Tea
On the day Alfred Peet opened his first coffee store on the corner of Walnut and Vine Streets in Berkeley, CA, he quietly began a revolution in the way Americans experienced the taste and quality of their coffee a revolution that persists
2014-07-29 知名 烘焙 Peet Coffee amp Tea the -
生活像杯中的咖啡!(感受咖啡中的哲理,看看你的英文水平如何?) A group ofgraduates got together to visit their old university professor. 一群毕业生,各自在事业上都已有所建树,相约一起去看望他们年老的大学教授。 The conversationsoon turned into
2015-04-23 咖啡 哲理 文学 生活 像杯 中的 中英 对照 活像 -
There are so many different varieties of coffee, so below is a guide to the 15 key elements you will need to produce the perfect espresso. We will introduce 8 of them today. 咖啡的种类有很多,以下是你制作一杯完美意式浓缩咖啡的15个关键要素
2016-07-22 Espresso 制作 细节 美意 浓缩 咖啡 意式 拼配 -
There are so many different varieties of coffee, so below is a guide to the 15 key elements you will need to produce the perfect espresso. We will introduce 8 of them today. 咖啡的种类有很多,以下是你制作一杯完美意式浓缩咖啡的15个关键要素
2016-06-23 Espresso 制作 细节 意式 浓缩 咖啡 压粉 技巧