
You should probably be drinking your morning cup of coffee around10 a.m., according to a new video from AsapScience.
We know, we know. If you're an I-need-caffeine-as-soon-as-I-wake-up kind of person, this isn't great news. But as AsapScience explains it, the production of cortisol, the "stress hormone" associated with the way the body naturally wakes itself up, generally peaks between 8 and 9 am -- right around the time most people are sipping their cappuccinos and lattes.
Peak cortisol hours also happen between 12 and 1 p.m. and 5:30 and 6:30 p.m. And according to AsapScience, drinking coffee during those hours lessens caffeine's effects.
If you're an early or late riser, your peak cortisol hours are probably different from the average person's. So whenever it is you wake up, just wait a bit before hitting the coffee maker.
“Cortisol levels do indeed increase about 50 percent right after you wake up, regardless of the time," the video explains. "Science says, wait at least an hour to get your cup of joe and your body will be optimally ready to go.”
Hey, we're all about reaping all of coffee's benefits -- especially because it's been linked to a healthier heart and, ahem, a lower risk of erectile dysfunction. Let's keep that stuff brewing.
(译者:FNU张逸洋 编辑:齐磊 马文英)
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