The Tubbi knockbox is the perfect accessory for home baristas to help you dispose of your espresso pucks. It has been over a year in development and gone through many prototypes but finally we got there in the end with a brilliant, yet very simple design. All it is, is a plastic tub and a bar! No nuts or bolts or anything.

The box is extremely tough and resists well to knocks from the portafilter thanks to our use of plastics that flex a little. We have also reinforced the food safe rubber bar with stainless steel. Just like our classic knockbox we designed the rubber bar so that it absorbs the energy from the portafilter to minimize the noise.
A non-slip rubber pad on the bottom prevents it moving about the place and also helps to reduce the noise.
The knockbox may be small but it can comfortably hold 15 double pucks of coffee before it needs emptying. To empty just lift the rubber bar out and discard the coffee as you wish.
To wash we recommend you just give it a rinse in mild detergent. The plastic tub is dishwasher safe but we are not sure you need to go that far as a mild rinse works every time.
Material : Abs Plastic, Rubber and Stainless Steel
Height incl. base : 13cm
Colour options : Matt Black
Product Weight : 270g
Packaging : 1 Complete knockbox per box
来源:http://www.caffealto.com.tw/ 雅图国际有限公司
2015-09-22 19:34:40- 上一篇
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