

发表于:2025-02-28 作者:咖啡编辑
编辑最后更新 2025年02月28日,专业咖啡知识交流 更多咖啡豆资讯 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style ) Sumatra is back in our coffee lineup! A few years back, we had a fine Mandheling which was so good, we could hardly let go of it. Subsequent crops didnt come near the

专业咖啡知识交流 更多咖啡豆资讯 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style )

Sumatra is back in our coffee lineup! A few years back, we had a fine Mandheling which was so good, we could hardly let go of it. Subsequent crops didn’t come near the excellence we came to expect, so we eventually dropped it altogether. Now, we have purchased a different, but equally intriguing new crop of Lintong from Sumatra.
Lintong, grown south west of Lake Toba in northern Sumatra, gets it unique characteristics from the terroir and from its wet-hulled processing method called Giling Basah in the local language. The coffee is mostly grown by small-holder farms without chemicals. Each farm removes the seeds from the cherries, ferments the beans overnight to loosen the mucilage, then washes and partially dries the beans under a wide variety of conditions. (Here’s a link to more info on this unique process: https://legacy.sweetmarias.com/library/node/8756 )
林东产区位于苏门答腊岛北部的托巴湖(Lake Toba)西南部。独特的地理环境和湿壳脱壳处理法使咖啡豆具备了独特的口味特征。林东产区为小农场种植大部分不使用化学肥料和农药,手工挑选快速发酵,然后再清洗和烘干。视频连接
https://legacy.sweetmarias.com/library/node/8756 )
This non-standardized initial processing can result in its peculiar flavor profile with low acidity, thick body and rustic flavors highly prized by fans of Sumatra coffee. As one reviewer said: “Sumatra may appeal to those who like minimally processed wine.”
We think this particular crop will appeal to a wide variety of coffee lovers, whether as a regular “go-to” coffee, or an intriguing, occasional change from your standby favorite. It has hints of cocoa that spring at you with the first sip, but then melds with the overall nutty earthiness enveloped in a velvety body.
滤杯: HarioV60
闷蒸、水温水: 30g 、40s 92℃
粉水比、时间:1:16.7  2分30
由于中烘的豆子加上低海拔的豆子,其细胞壁比较薄,所以不耐萃, 如果断水次数太多,就等于让咖啡粉颗粒一直泡在水里,这么一来,就会导致尾段的咖啡萃取产生涩味和杂味。
所以,我们一般中深烘焙的苏门答腊咖啡,巴西,都会选 【高水温 + 一刀流】这样的手法去冲煮。


2018-10-02 22:31:37