意式咖啡器具介绍:Pullman粉锤 58mm 美弧 葡萄紫 压粉器
包装体积: 0.087*0.087*0.171 品牌: pullman tamper 毛重: 482g 颜色分类: 紫色 配件类型: 咖啡压粉器 pullman tamper Barist系列 底座58mm 有两种底部可选择:Flat和Convex(平底和美弧) 本款为葡萄紫铝制手柄,底座黑色部分为软橡胶垫,造就完美的压粉体验
2015-12-18 意式 咖啡 器具 介绍 Pullman 粉锤 58mm 美弧 -
Cafelat Pillar Tamper罗马柱握把填压器
Pillar Tamper The Pillar tamper was one of Karinas first designs for the Cafelat project. It not only looks funky but has a really great feeling in the hand. The vertical ridges provide an easy grip which is perfect for the final polishing
2015-09-22 Cafelat Pillar Tamper 罗马 柱握把 填 -
罗马柱握把填压器 Cafelat Pillar Tamper
Pillar Tamper The Pillar tamper was one of Karinas first designs for the Cafelat project. It not only looks funky but has a really great feeling in the hand. The vertical ridges provide an easy grip which is perfect for the final polishing
2015-07-08 罗马 柱握把 填压 Cafelat Pillar Tampe -
Cafelat Royal Tamper皇家握把填压器
Royal Tamper(红色 黑色 木头咖啡色) So-called because of the crown on the top, the Royal is our premium tamper featuring a combination of different materials. The lower portion of the handle may be rubber or wood, whilst the top portion is
2015-09-22 Cafelat Royal Tamper 皇家 填压 Roy -
Cafelat Royal Tamper皇家握把填压器
Cafelat Royal Tamper皇家握把填压器So-called because of the "crown" on the top, the Royal is our premium tamper featuring a combination of different materials.
2014-06-09 皇家 Cafelat Royal Tamper 握把填压器 -
皇家握把填压器 Cafelat Royal Tamper
Royal Tamper(红色 黑色 木头咖啡色) So-called because of the crown on the top, the Royal is our premium tamper featuring a combination of different materials. The lower portion of the handle may be rubber or wood, whilst the top portion is
2015-07-08 皇家 填压 Cafelat Royal Tamper Roy -
澳洲品牌Pullman粉锤 58mm美弧天空蓝压粉器 独一无二的的编码
品牌: Pullman 毛重: 482g 颜色分类: 天蓝色 配件类型: 咖啡压粉器 pullman tamper Barist系列 底座58mm 有两种底部可选择:Convex(美弧) 本款为天空蓝铝制手柄,底座黑色部分为软橡胶垫,造就完美的压粉体验。 澳大利亚pullman tamper,不用多介绍该品牌的
2015-12-30 澳洲 品牌 Pullman 粉锤 58mm 美弧 天空 蓝压 -
填压器挂座 Cafelat Tamper Hanger
Tamper Hanger Along with our corner tamping mat the wall hanger is another of those products where the genius is in the sheer simplicity of the idea. Karina was able to come up with this and a lot of other of our unique products because sh
2015-07-08 填压 器挂座 Cafelat Tamper Hanger T -
Cafelat Tamper Hanger填压器挂座
Tamper Hanger Along with our corner tamping mat the wall hanger is another of those products where the genius is in the sheer simplicity of the idea. Karina was able to come up with this and a lot of other of our unique products because sh
2015-09-22 Cafelat Tamper Hanger 填压 器挂座 T -
意大利Cobara TAMPER 眼镜蛇压粉锤 58mm规格不锈钢高档压粉器
意大利原装进口Cobara TAMPER (眼镜蛇压粉锤) 规格:58mm 精美大方高贵
2015-12-30 意大利 Cobara TAMPER 眼镜蛇 压粉 58mm -
榨汁机改填压器:Hydraulic Espresso Tamper
其实这款榨汁机乃 MAKE IN CHINA,淘宝上有,50元左右。不多说了,看图吧: Hydraulic Espresso Tamper Godshot. Thats the elusive goal of espresso fanatics everywhere. Thick with micro-bubble crema and a velvety mouth-feel, and packing explosive
2015-07-08 榨汁机 改填 压器 Hydraulic Espresso T -
榨汁机改填压器:Hydraulic Espresso Tamper
其实这款榨汁机乃 MAKE IN CHINA,淘宝上有,50元左右。不多说了,看图吧: Hydraulic Espresso Tamper Godshot. Thats the elusive goal of espresso fanatics everywhere. Thick with micro-bubble crema and a velvety mouth-feel, and packing explosive
2015-09-23 榨汁机 改填 压器 Hydraulic Espresso T -
Drop Tamper Shaped like a chocolaty sweet blob of espresso oozing from the portafilter spouts, our Drop tamper is elegant and fits the hand very well. As the handle narrows in towards the base it positions the fingers such that it helps ge
2015-09-22 Cafelat 水滴型 铝合金 填压 Drop Tamper -
握把填压器 Cafelat水滴型(铝合金)
Drop Tamper Shaped like a chocolaty sweet blob of espresso oozing from the portafilter spouts, our Drop tamper is elegant and fits the hand very well. As the handle narrows in towards the base it positions the fingers such that it helps ge
2015-07-08 填压 Cafelat 水滴型 铝合金 Drop Tamper -
咖啡常识 咖啡馆专业英文单词
咖啡机、咖啡师相关的英文单词 英文单词 中文翻译 Tamper 压粉锤,咖啡馆里的咖啡师手里拿着的那个铁块!^_^ Portafilter 冲煮把手,情况同上!! Basket 把手过滤器、粉碗,这个是和Portafilter冲煮把手一体的,咖啡粉就放这里,然后用Tamper压粉锤压。 Mac
2016-05-26 咖啡 常识 咖啡馆 专业 英文 单词 咖啡机 相关 英 -
咖啡专业术语 咖啡英语单词收集整理
咖啡机、咖啡师相关的英文单词 英文单词 中文翻译 Tamper 压粉锤,咖啡馆里的咖啡师手里拿着的那个铁块!^_^ Portafilter 冲煮把手,情况同上!! Basket 把手过滤器、粉碗,这个是和Portafilter冲煮把手一体的,咖啡粉就放这里,然后用Tamper压粉锤压。 Mac
2015-04-11 咖啡 专业 术语 英语 单词 收集 整理 咖啡机 相关 -
精品咖啡学 专业咖啡英语单词收集整理
咖啡机、咖啡师相关的英文单词 英文单词 中文翻译 Tamper 压粉锤,咖啡馆里的咖啡师手里拿着的那个铁块!^_^ Portafilter 冲煮把手,情况同上!! Basket 把手过滤器、粉碗,这个是和Portafilter冲煮把手一体的,咖啡粉就放这里,然后用Tamper压粉锤压。 Mac
2015-01-23 精品 咖啡 专业 英语 单词 收集 整理 咖啡机 相关 -
咖啡机、咖啡师相关的英文单词 英文单词 中文翻译 Tamper 压粉锤,咖啡馆里的咖啡师手里拿着的那个铁块!^_^ Portafilter 冲煮把手,情况同上!! Basket 把手过滤器、粉碗,这个是和Portafilter冲煮把手一体的,咖啡粉就放这里,然后用Tamper压粉锤压。 Mac
2015-10-24 咖啡机 咖啡 相关 英文 单词 单 -
握把填压器 Cafelat水滴型(木头)
Shaped like a chocolaty sweet blob of espresso oozing from the portafilter spouts, our Drop tamper is elegant and fits the hand very well. As the handle narrows in towards the base it positions the fingers such that it helps get the wrist
2015-07-08 填压 Cafelat 水滴型 木头 Shaped like -
Shaped like a chocolaty sweet blob of espresso oozing from the portafilter spouts, our Drop tamper is elegant and fits the hand very well. As the handle narrows in towards the base it positions the fingers such that it helps get the wrist
2015-09-22 Cafelat 水滴型 木头 填压 Shaped like