皇家握把填压器 Cafelat Royal Tamper
发表于:2025-03-27 作者:咖啡编辑
编辑最后更新 2025年03月27日,Royal Tamper(红色 黑色 木头咖啡色) So-called because of the crown on the top, the Royal is our premium tamper featuring a combination of different materials. The lower portion of the handle may be rubber or wood, whilst the top portion is
Royal Tamper(红色 黑色 木头咖啡色)

So-called because of the "crown" on the top, the Royal is our premium tamper featuring a combination of different materials. The lower portion of the handle may be rubber or wood, whilst the top portion is always satin brushed aluminium.
Material : Rubber and Stainless Steel
Height incl. base : 90mm
Colour options : Black
Product Weight : 350g with a 58mm base
Packaging : Retail gift packaging with EAN 13 barcode
来源:http://www.caffealto.com.tw/ 雅图国际有限公司
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