Cafelat Tamper Hanger填压器挂座

Tamper Hanger

Along with our corner tamping mat the wall hanger is another of those products where the genius is in the sheer simplicity of the idea. Karina was able to come up with this and a lot of other of our unique products because she has a fresh approach to the coffee world without any preconceived ideas of what items may or may not be in the market already.
Once you use the hanger you will never want to be without it. It is great to have a dedicated place for the Cafelat tamper so you always know where it is, and being away from the tamping area means it is kept away from water and coffee grounds.
The hanger comprises the main section where the tamper rests, which interlocks with a backing plate which may be fixed to the wall.
There are 3 different ways to mount your Cafelat tamper hanger.
Hang the main section (without backing plate) directly onto a wall – the back has a V-shaped cut out which means you hook it over a single pan-head screw.
Screw the mounting plate to a wall using the 2 wall plugs which are included in the box. Slide the main section firmly down onto the backing plate locking it in place.
Using the 3M double sided sticker (included) you may mount the backing plate to a flat surface such as the side of a grinder or espresso machine.
Should you need to clean the hanger you simply lift the main section off the wall or off of the backing plate and wipe it clean, do not put into a dishwasher. Please note we are using a special kind of rubber coating to prevent you damaging your tampers. This may scratch off over time.

The hanger is designed to fit the Cafelat tampers perfectly, we do not know the sizes of any other brands of tampers and therefore do not guarantee they will fit.
Material : Plastic with a Rubber Coating
Colour options : Black
Product Weight : 60g
Packaging : Retail gift packaging with AN 13 barcode
来源: 雅图国际有限公司
2015-09-22 19:34:06- 上一篇
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