罗马柱握把填压器 Cafelat Pillar Tamper
发表于:2025-04-01 作者:咖啡编辑
编辑最后更新 2025年04月01日,Pillar Tamper The Pillar tamper was one of Karinas first designs for the Cafelat project. It not only looks funky but has a really great feeling in the hand. The vertical ridges provide an easy grip which is perfect for the final polishing
Pillar Tamper

The Pillar tamper was one of Karina’s first designs for the Cafelat project. It not only looks funky but has a really great feeling in the hand. The vertical ridges provide an easy grip which is perfect for the final polishing spin of the tamper.
Material : Rubber and Stainless Steel
Height incl. base : 90mm
Colour options : Black
Product Weight : 330g with 58mm base
Packaging : Retail gift packaging with EAN 13 barcode
来源:http://www.caffealto.com.tw/ 雅图国际有限公司
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