榨汁机改填压器:Hydraulic Espresso Tamper
发表于:2025-01-28 作者:咖啡编辑
编辑最后更新 2025年01月28日,其实这款榨汁机乃 MAKE IN CHINA,淘宝上有,50元左右。不多说了,看图吧: Hydraulic Espresso Tamper Godshot. Thats the elusive goal of espresso fanatics everywhere. Thick with micro-bubble crema and a velvety mouth-feel, and packing explosive
其实这款榨汁机乃 MAKE IN CHINA,淘宝上有,50元左右。不多说了,看图吧:
Hydraulic Espresso Tamper
Godshot. That’s the elusive goal of espresso fanatics everywhere. Thick with micro-bubble crema and a velvety mouth-feel, and packing explosive flavor, the godshot is pulled too infrequently for my liking. A perfect shot of espresso is the product of many variables, so anything I can do to lock in one of those variables is a good thing. Think scientific method as applied to espresso.
Step 1 — Isolate your factors.
Step 2 — Consider your variable.
Step 3 — Find your materials.
Step 4 — Begin construction.
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7 — Build the base.
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