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咖啡豆比较 阿拉比卡和罗布斯塔的区别
Arabica Coffee Beans Coffea arabica is known as Arabica coffee 70% of the worlds coffee production is from Arabica beans. Arabica coffee is grown in Central and North America, The Carribean, South America, Eastern Africa, Yemen, Papua New
2015-04-14 咖啡豆 比较 拉比 罗布斯 布斯 区别 Arabica Co -
阿拉比卡和罗布斯塔的区别 咖啡基础知识
Arabica Coffee Beans Coffea arabica is known as Arabica coffee 70% of the worlds coffee production is from Arabica beans. Arabica coffee is grown in Central and North America, The Carribean, South America, Eastern Africa, Yemen, Papua New
2015-01-27 拉比 罗布斯 布斯 区别 咖啡 基础知识 Arabica C -
阿拉比卡和罗布斯塔的区别 Arabica and Robusta Coffee Beans
Arabica Coffee Beans Coffea arabica is known as Arabica coffee 70% of the worlds coffee production is from Arabica beans. Arabica coffee is grown in Central and North America, The Carribean, South America, Eastern Africa, Yemen, Papua New
2015-10-27 拉比 罗布斯 布斯 区别 Arabica and Robus -
A very valuable feature of the Giesen Coffee Roasters is the presence of two different fans. One is situated inside the drum and will distribute the hot air during the roasting process. The other fan is situated in the cooling tray for the
2016-10-17 荷兰 GIESEN 烘焙机 W30A 少钱 very val -
espresso 出品标准的讨论
Question by Alketa, Jan. 16, 2012 4:07 PM Hello Mr. Michele. I have a question regarding the extraction time for the espresso coffee. I have read that the exact time is 25-30 sec, but recently i heard that is 15 sec. Could you please expla
2014-09-30 espresso 制作espresso 咖啡制作 咖啡百科 -
关于 espresso 出品标准的讨论
Question by Alketa, Jan. 16, 2012 4:07 PM Hello Mr. Michele. I have a question regarding the extraction time for the espresso coffee. I have read that the exact time is 25-30 sec, but recently i heard that is 15 sec. Could you please expla
2014-07-10 espresso 意式浓缩咖啡 咖啡文化 -
浓缩咖啡基础常识 espresso 出品标准的讨论
Question by Alketa, Jan. 16, 2012 4:07 PM Hello Mr. Michele. I have a question regarding the extraction time for the espresso coffee. I have read that the exact time is 25-30 sec, but recently i heard that is 15 sec. Could you please expla
2015-05-21 浓缩 咖啡 基础 常识 espresso 出品 标准 讨论 -
意式咖啡常识 关于espresso出品标准的讨论
关于 espresso 出品标准的讨论 Question by Alketa, Jan. 16, 2012 4:07 PM Hello Mr. Michele. I have a question regarding the extraction time for the espresso coffee. I have read that the exact time is 25-30 sec, but recently i heard that is 1
2014-11-25 咖啡知识 意式咖啡 Espresso 咖啡百科 -
荷兰咖啡烘焙机 Giesen W6 A Coffee Roaster
Giesen W6 A Coffee Roaster he Giesen W6 Coffee Roaster is the perfect model to use in a roastery or coffee bar. With a roasting capacity up to 6 kg. per batch it is the starting model to roast coffee professionally as you will have the per
2015-10-27 荷兰 咖啡 烘焙机 Giesen Coffee Roaste -
怎样辨别极品咖啡 Gourmet coffee
最近,当您光顾咖啡店或在超市购物时,或许会发现很多咖啡产品都被冠以极品咖啡的称号。这一称号的光环吸引着众多咖啡迷争相购买。但是什么样的咖啡才可以称得上是极品咖啡呢?想要回答这一问题还是比较复杂的。 You may have noticed that the last time you
2014-07-25 辨别极品咖啡 精品咖啡 极品咖啡 -
Kalita Wave冲泡教学 Kalita波形滤杯冲泡:强化
Kalita Wave Brewing:Intensive Kalita波形滤杯冲泡:强化 WARNING:This is video is about coffee brewing theory and techniques,not vsiual appeal or entertainment factor. 警告:这是关于咖啡酿造理论和技术,不受视的吸引力或娱乐因素影响。 If youre
2016-05-07 Kalita Wave 冲泡 教学 波形 滤杯 强化 Kal -
2007年Tim Wendelboe专访(BGT)
Tim Wendelboe简介 1998~进入Stockfleths从事全职barista,开始他的咖啡之路,这年19岁。 1999~做到Stockfleths的分店manager,并第一次参加Norwegian Barista Championship得到第五。 2000~拿到Norwegian Barista Championship亚军,当年冠军Robert Thor
2015-10-23 2007年 Tim Wendelboe 专访 BGT -
咖啡烘焙过程的基本化学反应 中英双语翻译
原文: Basic Chemical Reactions Occurring in the Roasting Process by Carl Staub sourced from the SCAA Roast Color Classification System developed by Agtron - SCAA in 1995 Many thermal and chemical reactions occur during the roasting proces
2015-01-27 咖啡 烘焙 过程 基本 化学反应 中英 双语 翻译 原文 B -
咖啡烘焙过程的基本化学反应 中英双语
原文: Basic Chemical Reactions Occurring in the Roasting Process by Carl Staub sourced from the SCAA Roast Color Classification System developed by Agtron - SCAA in 1995 Many thermal and chemical reactions occur during the roasting proces
2015-04-14 咖啡 烘焙 过程 基本 化学反应 中英 双语 -
咖啡烘焙过程的基本化学反应 中英双语解释
原文: Basic Chemical Reactions Occurring in the Roasting Process by Carl Staub sourced from the SCAA Roast Color Classification System developed by Agtron - SCAA in 1995 Many thermal and chemical reactions occur during the roasting proces
2015-10-26 咖啡 烘焙 过程 基本 化学反应 中英 双语 解释 -
危地马拉安提瓜咖啡故事 Santa Clara圣塔克拉拉庄园咖啡风味描述
专业咖啡知识交流 更多咖啡豆资讯 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style ) 危地马拉 安提瓜。圣塔克拉拉庄园 Guatemala Antigua Santa Clara SHB 危地马拉 安提瓜火山区。jpg □产区:安提瓜 □生产者:圣塔克拉拉庄园 □海拔:16001830M □品种:波旁 □
2018-07-04 危地马拉 安提 咖啡 故事 Santa Clara 塔克 拉 -
荷兰咖啡烘焙机 Giesen W15 A Coffee Roaster
Giesen W15 A Coffee Roaster This model is perfect for a middle large roastery. The Giesen W15 Coffee Roaster has a production capacity from 500 gr. up to 15 kg. As with all the Giesen Coffee Roasters, it is possible to roast and cool at th
2015-10-27 荷兰 咖啡 烘焙机 Giesen W15 Coffee Ro -
1896年咖啡树开始在澳大利亚(Australia)的昆士兰(Queens land)栽种。澳大利亚在许多方面都是一个令人感到惊奇的国度。这里种植的高质量咖啡也许是最令人惊奇的事物之一。 澳大利亚的咖啡产地: Coffee is now farmed from Nimbin and Lismore, in New South
2014-07-09 咖啡产地 澳大利亚 精品咖啡产地 -
专业咖啡知识交流 更多咖啡豆资讯 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style ) 危地马拉.安提瓜.圣塔克拉拉庄园 Guatemala Antigua Santa Clara SHB □产区: 安提瓜 □生产者:圣塔克拉拉庄园 □海拔:16001830M □品种:波旁 □处理法:水洗 □等级:SHB □风味叙
2018-10-25 安提 瓜圣 塔克 拉拉 SHB 咖啡豆 怎么 庄园 咖啡 品 -
我从澳洲回来后,一提咖啡,自然就会想到在重庆百瑞斯塔学习咖啡的情节,现在总是习惯办公室里放几包挂耳咖啡,休息时冲两杯;偶尔与朋友们去百瑞斯塔小坐,不仅仅是为了找个安静的地方小聚,大多会喝杯醇香的埃塞俄比亚-西达莫G2或是直接来一瓶红酒。 在没有
2015-09-06 澳洲 常见 花式 咖啡 我从 回来 一提 自然