

发表于:2025-02-28 作者:咖啡编辑
编辑最后更新 2025年02月28日,我从澳洲回来后,一提咖啡,自然就会想到在重庆百瑞斯塔学习咖啡的情节,现在总是习惯办公室里放几包挂耳咖啡,休息时冲两杯;偶尔与朋友们去百瑞斯塔小坐,不仅仅是为了找个安静的地方小聚,大多会喝杯醇香的埃塞俄比亚-西达莫G2或是直接来一瓶红酒。 在没有





  在澳洲,人们最常点的咖啡有:Cappuccino; Latte; Flat White; Short Black;Long Black.

  当你步入一间咖啡厅,面对如此多的咖啡饮品,的确会让你感到眼花缭乱,到底该选择哪一种呢?你是否想知道一杯cappuccino和一杯latte有什么不同?什么是一杯short或long black? (With so many styles of coffee the choice can be a bit overwhelming when you walk into a cafe. Are you looking for information on what the difference is between a cappuccino and a latte, or a short and long black?)


  首先,这些不同的饮品分为两大类:加牛奶的和不加牛奶的。(The different drinks have been separated into two categories, milk based and non-milk drinks.)加牛奶的叫白咖啡(white coffee),不加牛奶的叫黑咖啡(black coffee)。咖啡通过蒸汽加压的咖啡机冲出来,牛奶则需要用咖啡机上的蒸汽奶棒(steam wand)加入空气打成奶沫。

  1. Cappuccino,中文音译为“卡布基诺”或者“卡布奇诺”。

  经过蒸汽加热并打成奶沫后,牛奶的组织会变得绵密,但仍可流动,这是用牛奶和浓缩咖啡制作咖啡作品的最佳状态。(When steamed and frothed, the milk develops a texture that is creamy and thick, but still flowing, which is absolutely perfect for creating coffee masterpieces out of milk and espresso.)

  卡布基诺通常的比例是:1/3浓缩咖啡+ 1/3蒸汽牛奶+ 1/3奶沫。当然在咖啡师应顾客要求制作卡布奇诺咖啡时也会分奶沫多的卡布奇诺和奶沫少的卡布奇诺,俗称干卡布奇诺(Dry cappuccino)和湿卡布奇诺(Wet cappuccino)。A cappuccino will generally be served to the following proportions:1/3 Espresso +1/3 Steamed Milk +1/3 Froth.)

  2. Latte,中文多音译为“拿铁”,这个译法总让我想起铁匠,戴着厚厚的手套,一手用铁钳夹着烧得通红的铁具,另一手举着大锤,铿锵、铿锵地砸下去。

  拿铁也是一种加牛奶的咖啡,通常包括浓缩咖啡、蒸汽牛奶,最上层为约1厘米厚的奶沫。(A latte is also a milk based drink. It is usually served with espresso,steamed milk and around 1cm of milk froth will settle on top.)

  拉花咖啡:制作一杯专业拿铁咖啡的艺术在于把牛奶倒入杯中时转动奶流的技巧,需要大量的练习和技术熟练的店员来完成。(The artwork of preparing a Café Latte is created by the swirling flowing motion of the milk that is produced when it is poured,which requires agreat deal of practice and highly skilled staff.)

  3. Flat White,普通白咖咖啡

  普通白咖啡是一种最常点的咖啡之一。Flat有“平坦”之意,要求在咖啡中倒入牛奶刚好跟杯子成一个平面。大多数情况下,普通白咖啡包括浓缩咖啡和蒸汽牛奶,加一点或根本不加奶沫。(A flat white will in most cases be served with espresso and steamed milk, little or no froth.) 上层的咖啡油脂完整无缺,传统上用陶杯承装。(This leads to a white coffee with the crema on top still intact. The drink was traditionally served in a ceramic cup.)。

  4.Espresso coffee,意式浓缩咖啡。


  5.Short Black,小杯黑咖啡,可以理解为极浓意式浓缩。

  新鲜的小杯黑咖啡上层会有一层金黄的咖啡油脂,只有咖啡机自动冲泡咖啡的水,不再额外加水。这也是制作其他咖啡饮品最基本的浓缩咖啡。(A good/fresh short black will have a thick golden crema on top. There is no extra water added apart from what is used to brew the coffee. This is also the basis for almost all espresso coffees.)

  6. Long Black,大杯黑咖啡,通常人们认为是美式香醇咖啡。

  大杯黑咖啡通常使用高玻璃杯或大号瓷杯。(A long black is usually served in a taller glass or mug.)热水通常有咖啡机加热供应。(Usually the water is also heated by the espresso machine.)

  制作大杯黑咖啡时,水和咖啡的顺序很重要,一定要热水在先,浓缩咖啡在后,顺序颠倒会破坏浓缩咖啡上层的咖啡油脂。The order in which a long black is made (hot water first,espresso second) is important — reversing the steps will destroy the crema from the espresso.



2015-09-06 15:58:42