

发表于:2025-03-29 作者:咖啡编辑
编辑最后更新 2025年03月29日,1896年咖啡树开始在澳大利亚(Australia)的昆士兰(Queens land)栽种。澳大利亚在许多方面都是一个令人感到惊奇的国度。这里种植的高质量咖啡也许是最令人惊奇的事物之一。 澳大利亚的咖啡产地: Coffee is now farmed from Nimbin and Lismore, in New South

1896年咖啡树开始在澳大利亚(Australia)的昆士兰(Queens land)栽种。澳大利亚在许多方面都是一个令人感到惊奇的国度。这里种植的高质量咖啡也许是最令人惊奇的事物之一。


Coffee is now farmed from Nimbin and Lismore, in New South Wales, to Cape York in far north Queensland where the large Skybury plantation is located. Skybury and the other larger plantations, near Mareeba on the Atherton Tablelands, are fully mechanized, but there are smaller farms where traditional hand cultivation is used.

The Jaques Coffee Plantation, located 8km east Mareeba, Queensland, Australia, 4.5km off the Kennedy Highway and at the end of Leotta Road. It is a pleasant 45 minute drive west of Cairns on the Cairns Highlands (formerly, and also known by the locals as the Atherton Tablelands).

Australian Coffee Centre - Skybury. Skybury is the oldest coffee plantation in Australia and is owned and operated by the MacLaughlin family. This multi-award winning attraction is located 10kms from Mareeba on the Atherton Tableland/Cairns Highlands.

The HighTrees Estate plantation is located on the Alstonville Plateau near Byron Bay in northern New South Wales, now emerging as a centre for the production of premium quality coffee. The red volcanic soil, has recently been acknowledged by Government authorities as deserving of the highest level of environmental protection, such is it's agricultural value. After several years of searching we found the ideal property - gently undulating, deep rich soil, high rainfall with sweeping views across the coastal plain to the Pacific Ocean.

Wombah Coffee Plantation ENT.: Just 4kms from the Pacific Highway along the Iluka Road you will find the world's southern-most coffee plantation, set in pretty bushland the village is on the banks of the Clarence River. In season, you may view processing of the fruit. Local coffee beans are also roasted on the premise's.








2014-07-09 14:03:51