阿拉比卡和罗布斯塔的区别 Arabica and Robusta Coffee Beans
Arabica Coffee Beans
Coffea arabica is known as Arabica coffee
70% of the world’s coffee production is from Arabica beans.
Arabica coffee is grown in Central and North America, The Carribean, South America, Eastern Africa, Yemen, Papua New Guinea, Brazil and India.
The Arabica bean produces a mild, smooth, well rounded aromatic coffee and often features a sweet hints of chocolate or caramel.
It grows best at high altitudes such as mountainous and volcanic areas requiring mild temperatures between 59-75 degrees with an annual rainfall of approximately 60 inches.
The plant is quite delicate being prone to disease and the yield is much lower than Robusta.
It grows on terrain that is steep and difficult to access hence they are costly to cultivate.
Arabica is regarded as much more superior quality and is used to produce speciality coffees.
Robusta Coffee Beans
Coffea canephora is known as Robusta coffee
30% of the world’s coffee production is from Robusta beans.
Robusta coffee is grown in Central and Western Africa, South East Asia, Indonesia and Brazil.
The Robusta bean produces a coffee that is hard, astringent and not very aromatic.
It is grown at lower altitudes and is able to tolerate warmer climates (preferring 75-85 degrees).
The plant is much hardier and disease resistant and yields much more than the Arabica plant making it cheaper to cultivate.
It is used mainly in blends and for instant coffees.
Robusta contains approximately three times as much caffeine content than Arabica.
2015-10-27 16:40:39- 上一篇
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