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咖啡&设计之That's coffee 主题博物馆
这是另外一家咖啡结合咖啡店与咖啡展示的咖啡主题馆也许,咖啡店成熟饱和到一定程度就催生了这种新的模式吧!个人上更喜欢La Finca,因为其自然大气的风格,也因其有更多的咖啡专业性元素做积淀,这一家Thats Coffee的商业运作味道更浓郁一些,自然之气与专业
2014-09-03 咖啡&设计 主题博物馆 -
CQI's Q Coffee System
Overview CQIs Q Coffee System locates specialty coffees at origin and helps to improve those that have the potential to meet specialty standards. The effect is a common language between buyers and sellers that draws attention to more speci
2014-07-25 咖啡百科 咖啡师 -
咖啡师测试 CQI's Q Coffee System
Overview CQIs Q Coffee System locates specialty coffees at origin and helps to improve those that have the potential to meet specialty standards. The effect is a common language between buyers and sellers that draws attention to more speci
2015-07-06 咖啡 测试 CQI Coffee System Overvi -
怎样辨别极品咖啡 Gourmet coffee
最近,当您光顾咖啡店或在超市购物时,或许会发现很多咖啡产品都被冠以极品咖啡的称号。这一称号的光环吸引着众多咖啡迷争相购买。但是什么样的咖啡才可以称得上是极品咖啡呢?想要回答这一问题还是比较复杂的。 You may have noticed that the last time you
2014-07-25 辨别极品咖啡 精品咖啡 极品咖啡 -
文章摘译 意式咖啡拼配中罗布斯塔豆的作用 咖啡拼配的比例对比
原文:Robustas Rehab 地址:Robustas Rehab,。 部分内容: It was hard to miss the 100% Arabica sign at theMolinari Caff booth during the Specialty Coffee Association of Americas (SCAA)
2016-01-20 文章 摘译 意式 咖啡 拼配 中罗 布斯塔 作用 比例 对比 -
世界咖啡师大赛(墨尔本)冠军Pete Licata台词以及视频地址
关注咖评(微信公众号 vdailycom ) 发现美好咖啡馆 开一家自己的小店 2013年世界咖啡师大赛(墨尔本)冠军Pete Licata台词Pete Licata的比赛开始于1:36 大家可以根据视频的时间进行阅读台词,不懂的部分请询问英语棒棒的朋友或者用Google谷哥哥简单翻译 并附上
2017-05-18 世界 咖啡 大赛 墨尔本 冠军 Pete Licata 台词 -
世界冠军Fritz Storm告诉你,为什么精品咖啡对消费者那么贵呢?
关注咖评(微信公众号 vdailycom ) 发现美好咖啡馆 开一家自己的小店 为什么精品咖啡对消费者那么贵呢?在咖啡店里卖的比超市贵五倍,是可以被接受、持续下去的吗?就让世界冠军Fritz Storm告诉你吧 1. -Talking about pricing. Why does specialty coffee have
2017-08-02 世界冠军 Fritz Storm 告诉 为什么 精品 咖啡 -
浪漫圣诞节;韩国All that sweets 圣诞主题拿铁咖啡,棒棒哒!
韩国All that sweets 圣诞主题拿铁咖啡,棒棒哒 来源:扬州网
2015-12-24 浪漫 圣诞节 韩国 All that sweets 圣诞 主 -
每杯咖啡所产生的化学作用 Chemistry in every cup
英文句子太专业,翻译困难!等英文高手翻译投稿 Coffee has a conflicting reputation is it a guilty pleasure or a life saving elixir? Emma Davies gulps down an espresso and investigates In Short Drinking coffee has been associated with a variet
2015-10-28 每杯 咖啡 所产 生的 化学 作用 Chemistry ev -
2014-05-15 咖啡文化 人生 咖啡豆 -
2016-10-29 双语 美文 咖啡 人生 奶奶 不止 喜欢 这么 简单 -
Peter Dupont 2007年BGT专访记录
Peter Dupont:以下简称 Peter以下简称BGT BGT:What inspired you to be a roaster in coffee industry? 怎么进来这一行的? Peter:There were two steps in this. Firstly back in 1998 I had my first cup of Specialty Coffee
2015-10-23 Peter Dupont 2007年 BGT 专访 记录 P -
关注咖评(微信公众号 vdailycom ) 发现美好咖啡馆 开一家自己的小店 萃取不足( Under-extracted Coffee ) 萃取不足是指没有将咖啡粉中足够多的风味物质溶解出来,咖啡粉中依然有大量物质没有被萃取出来。咖啡粉中的物质原本可以被萃取出来更多,来平衡掉不
2017-07-26 咖啡 萃取 不足 是什么 原因 -
My Coffee Wall 挂墙式咖啡机
My Coffee Wall Designer: Song Ah Lee We love our coffee so much that we are doing two posts on it today! Plus I am totally intrigued by the Black Luk, a wall mounted coffee machine that dispenses a cuppa java at a time. It is quite a radic
2015-09-22 Coffee Wall 挂墙 咖啡机 -
My Coffee Wall 挂墙式咖啡机
My Coffee Wall Designer: Song Ah Lee We love our coffee so much that we are doing two posts on it today! Plus I am totally intrigued by the Black Luk, a wall mounted coffee machine that dispenses a cuppa java at a time. It is quite a radic
2015-07-07 Coffee Wall 挂墙 咖啡机 -
A cup of freshly ground coffee is what it takes to get some people moving in the morning。 清晨起来,一杯新鲜的研磨咖啡可以让人精力充沛。 But, according to a study, it may be the aroma rather than the coffee itself that does the trick。 但
2014-07-17 闻咖啡 喝咖啡 闻咖啡提神 -
闻咖啡比喝咖啡更提神 精品咖啡基础常识
A cup of freshly ground coffee is what it takes to get some people moving in the morning。 清晨起来,一杯新鲜的研磨咖啡可以让人精力充沛。 But, according to a study, it may be the aroma rather than the coffee itself that does the trick。 但
2015-07-04 咖啡 比喝 提神 精品 基础 常识 cup freshly -
关注咖评(微信公众号 vdailycom ) 发现美好咖啡馆 开一家自己的小店 If youve ever been on a coffee date with someone who chose black coffee over the typical indulgent caffeinated creation, you might want to take your latte and run. Apparently,
2017-07-25 爱喝 咖啡 更容 易得 精神病 -
餐纸咖啡艺术 诉说我与咖啡的邂逅
I like coffee so much that I have tea for breakfast: The first cup of the day in particular is so good that Im afraid I wont be able to properly appreciate it when I am half-asleep. Therefore, I celebrate it two hours later when I am fully
2015-06-11 餐纸 咖啡 艺术 诉说 我与 邂逅 like coffee -
I like coffee so much that I have tea for breakfast: The first cup of the day in particular is so good that Im afraid I wont be able to properly appreciate it when I am half-asleep. Therefore, I celebrate it two hours later when I am fully
2015-05-04 英文 叙述 我对 咖啡 热爱 like coffee muc