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咖啡常识 咖啡菜单中英文对照之8
荷香系列 荷香腊味饭 Cured Meat With Lotus Flavor 荷香排骨饭 Porkchop With Lotus Flavor 荷香北菇滑鸡饭 Mushroom And Chicken With Lotus Flavor 荷香田鸡饭 Pork frog With Lotus Flavor 荷香牛柳饭 Pepper Tenderloin With Lotus Flavor 荷香鳗鱼饭 E
2015-08-13 咖啡 常识 菜单 中英文 对照 荷香 系列 腊味 Cured -
餐纸咖啡艺术 诉说我与咖啡的邂逅
I like coffee so much that I have tea for breakfast: The first cup of the day in particular is so good that Im afraid I wont be able to properly appreciate it when I am half-asleep. Therefore, I celebrate it two hours later when I am fully
2015-06-11 餐纸 咖啡 艺术 诉说 我与 邂逅 like coffee -
I like coffee so much that I have tea for breakfast: The first cup of the day in particular is so good that Im afraid I wont be able to properly appreciate it when I am half-asleep. Therefore, I celebrate it two hours later when I am fully
2015-05-04 英文 叙述 我对 咖啡 热爱 like coffee muc -
曾经看到过有人在纸上用咖啡作画,今天浏览网页又看到了有人在纸上用咖啡作画,但这次的纸,却是餐巾纸 和大家来分享一下: 如果你能读懂英语,你就知道,这其实是原笔者在用自己的咖啡来描述自己的咖啡故事,从年幼时第一次通过咖啡味冰激凌品尝到咖啡味道
2014-08-27 咖啡艺术