La Marzocco "Mistral naked"意式咖啡机
La Marzocco "裸式"概念设计咖啡机 :La Marzocco "Mistral - naked" espresso machines
A concept design from Kees Van der Westen, the new Mistral features all the technologies of traditional La Marzocco espresso machines. Ideal for radical & trendy locations, it features exposed, "naked" saturated brewing groups and dual-boiler technology.
The Mistral design is exclusive to La Marzocco and is available by special order only!
Product specifications
Dual boiler technology with saturated brew groups
Stainless steel boilers and brewing groups
PID temperature control (Proportional, Integrative, Derivative)
Exposed brewing groups
Multifunctional keypads and digital display
Available configurations: duette, 2 groups automatic (AV) and semi-automatic (EE) and triplette, 3 groups automatic (AV) and semi-automatic (EE)
High wattage heating elements
Mistral is available on special request
Foot activated steam system
Portaflon™ coated portafilters
Technical specifications
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咖啡机分类和购买 咖啡基础常识
半自动咖啡机 半自动咖啡机,俗称搬把子机,是意大利传统的咖啡机。这种机器依靠人工操作磨粉、压粉、装粉、冲泡、人工清除残渣。这类机器有小型单龙头家用机,也有双龙头、三龙头大型商用机等,较新型的机器还装有电子水量控制,可以精确自动控制酿制咖啡的