母乳喂养时摄入咖啡因可能伤害婴儿? 喂奶期间妈妈不要喝咖啡

根据发表在得到同行评鉴的Journal of Caffeine Research期刊上的一篇研究论文,婴儿不能非常好地代谢或排泄咖啡因,所以母亲母乳喂养期间摄取咖啡因可能导致婴儿积累咖啡因和患上诸如失眠(wakefulness)和烦躁(irritability)之类的症状。
美国罗彻斯特大学医学和牙科学院Ruth Lawrence博士根据研究母乳喂养的婴儿接触咖啡因时发现的科学和医学证据对这些问题进行一一解答,说道,“通常,一位母亲,特别是正在进行母乳喂养的母亲,最好接受限制咖啡因摄取的劝告。”在婴儿出生之后,母亲“应当适中地摄取所有的食物而且尽量避免偏食以便防止总和起来摄入很多咖啡因。” (生物谷:towersimper编译)

Can Consuming Caffeine While Breastfeeding Harm Your Baby? An Interview with Ruth Lawrence, PhD
Ruth Lawrence
It is a well-known fact that the majority of breastfeeding women are caffeine consumers. Perhaps a good place to start would be to discuss what implications this might have.
You are correct. If caffeine is consumed by the mother, then a small amount of caffeine will get into the breast milk and, therefore, into the baby. This is probably not too important later on, but initially in the first week or so, babies do not metabolize and excrete caffeine very well. So, if a mother consumes a lot of caffeine, it accumulates and her baby can become quite symptomatic.
2015-10-19 15:23:22