Latteart 拿铁拉花 咖啡拉花方法
拿着拉花缸在台子上轻敲击记下使大个的气泡破掉, 然后在小心的画圈运动让里面的奶泡旋转起来。奶泡的粘稠度像桶里的油漆。
To achieve exquisite latte art, begin pouring your milk slowly. Start with a narrow stream to avoid breaking the espresso's crema. Once your drink is about half full, lower your pitcher's spout so that it's almost touching the liquid. This will guarantee strong contrast. Continue pouring.
To form a heart, create a white dot with your milk. Once the drink is almost full, raise your pitcher up a few inches from the drink (while still maintaining your gentle pour), and "cut" it down the middle. Serve to your crush, and smile coquettishly.
To form a rosetta, create the same white dot by starting your pour close to the espresso’s surface. As you pull away, gently rotate your wrist from side to side. Don’t forget to breathe. You carry all your stress in your rosetta leaves.
Continue moving wrist side-to-side while keeping pitcher’s spout close to the surface of the drink.
Lift your pitcher a few inches and reduce the speed of your pour. The height, along with the thin stream, will allow you to cleanly cut the rosetta down the middle.
Serve, then exhale and wipe your sweat-drenched brow. To guarantee excellent art, consider practicing this routine 500 times each day for three years.
2015-10-28 15:31:44- 上一篇
咖啡是英文Coffee的译音,它是咖啡树的种子咖啡豆焙烧后磨成粉末再冲泡而成的饮料。 (一)、咖啡简介 1、咖啡的起源 咖啡源于非洲的埃塞俄比亚,关于发现它的说法很多,其中为大多数人接受的一种传说是:大约3000年前,一个牧羊人看到所放牧的羊吃了一种无名
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咖啡这种东西,你可能每天早晨都要来一杯,不过你对咖啡的了解恐怕也不多吧?尽管倒上一杯咖啡很简单。以下10个有关咖啡的事实恐怕会令你一时接受不了,不过我敢保证,只要你看完,一定想来一杯。 1.咖啡其实是一种浆果 这个实在是太难以置信了,咖啡其实是一