
倩碧(Tchembe)N2 L7Yirgacheffe (耶加雪啡)产区丰富的柑橘和浆

发表于:2025-01-25 作者:咖啡编辑
编辑最后更新 2025年01月25日,名称由来:尽管2013年的Tchembe产自耶加雪啡,但这个名字是取自于阿马罗山脉的haricho和bolo品种的咖啡,这两个品种用日晒法处理会有角豆和香蕉的风味。Tchembe咖啡具有类似于泥土和巧克力的厚重感,还有层次感丰富的柑橘和浆果风味。 产地 九十+埃塞俄比亚
产地 九十+埃塞俄比亚,Yirgacheffe (耶加雪啡)产区.
海拔 1750 – 2000m
处理方式 日晒
风味特征 入口厚重感明显,有泥土、深色水果的味道,也有轻微的柑橘味。
CoffeeReview 分数: 4 pts –
年度: 2013
烘焙师: Barrington Coffee Roasting Co.
链接: http://www.coffeereview.com/review.cfm?ID=3132
Tchembe N2 L7
Although 2013 Tchembe is a Yirgacheffe, the name is inspired by the Haricho and Bolo varieties in the Amaro Mountains, which taste of carob and banana when natural processed. Tchembe coffees tend to be thick with earth and chocolate, and variable layers of citrus and berry.
Origin: Ninety Plus Ethiopia: Achira region
Elevation: 1750 – 2000m
Processing: Natural
Flavor Profile: Thick, earthy, dark fruits, light citrus
2016-07-12 14:27:51