

发表于:2025-03-29 作者:咖啡编辑
编辑最后更新 2025年03月29日,名称由来:在2009年时这款咖啡取名自Nectar from Shakisso,意为这款咖啡具有像是来自埃塞俄比亚希达莫省沙奇索镇的花蜜一样的风味。Nekisse的特点是奶油般顺滑的口感,强烈莓果酱感,有些批次甚至带有柑橘和多种热带水果的混合风味。尽管最初是在Shakisso产
名称由来:在2009年时这款咖啡取名自“Nectar from Shakisso”,意为这款咖啡具有像是来自埃塞俄比亚希达莫省沙奇索镇的花蜜一样的风味。Nekisse的特点是奶油般顺滑的口感,强烈莓果酱感,有些批次甚至带有柑橘和多种热带水果的混合风味。尽管最初是在Shakisso产区种植,但后来的Nekisse都产自于Wellega(沃利嘎)和Sidama(希达莫)产区,只是保留了这个名称。我们觉得Nekisse在希达莫种植保持了最初的花蜜和浆果感的风味,这让它与其他所有其他来自埃塞的咖啡都区分开来。
产地 九十+埃塞, Wellega(沃利嘎)和Sidama(希达莫)产区.
海拔 1750 – 2000m
处理方式 日晒
风味特征 口感干净,有桃子、浆果、西番莲果、奶油、牛奶巧克力的风味。
CoffeeReview 分数: 96 pts
年度 烘焙师
2010 Coffea Roasterie
Nekisse N2 L12
Originally named as “Nectar from Shakisso” in 2009, the Nekisse profile is defined by creamy mouthfeel and heavy berry jam flavor, but layers of citrus and many tropical fruits can be present in some selections. Originally from Shakisso, subsequent Nekisse coffees have been developed in Wellega and Sidama. We feel Nekisse has settled well in Sidama for a consistent nectar/jammy profile that sets itself apart from all other coffees in Ethiopia.
Origin: Ninety Plus Ethiopia: Wellega and Sidama regions.
Elevation: 1750 – 2000m
Processing: Natural
Taste Profile Peach, jammy, passionfruit, creamy, milk chocolate, clean
CoffeeReview: 96 pts
Year Roaster
2010 Coffea Roasterie
Brandyish, yet crisp with savory wood notes. Blueberry, cherry, brandy-nuanced dark chocolate, aromatic wood, night flowers in aroma and cup, carrying into the finish. A slight hint of salt in the finish as well, but the fruit-and-brandy sweetness rings on.

2016-07-11 12:47:54