
WBC王策世界手冲咖啡冲煮比赛解说稿 精品咖啡豆种类介绍

发表于:2025-03-26 作者:咖啡编辑
编辑最后更新 2025年03月26日,2017世界咖啡冲煮大赛已经过去一个月了,很多朋友在后台问冠军王策的台词(以及中文翻译),所以长话短说,这就来了。本文由于技术原因无法附上比赛视频,如果需要参考请到腾讯视频搜索:王策比赛。本文图片均摄













90+ 瑰夏庄园位于巴拿马的Volcan (火山区),一个叫做Silla de Pando的地方。一共183公顷的面积,有超过三分之一的面积是野生的高大的遮荫树。1800米的高海拔让这里的日间温度很高,而到了晚上会因为太平洋的潮湿海风让温度骤降。日夜的温差可以从8摄氏度到30摄氏度, 湿度达到80%。微气候条件造就了上好的咖啡果实。这片美丽的土地让生命更繁茂、更有活力,不只是咖啡,还有200多位咖啡工人和他们的家人。





今年的三月中旬,227批次的紫色成熟咖啡果实被一个个手工摘下来。之后放入玻璃盒子里,储藏在恒定低温的暗室中进行发酵。然后,再单层平铺,在“蓝房间”(以90+创始人Joseph Brodsky的宝宝命名的加工室)中进行21天缓慢的干燥。这是一个新的处理方式,可是这些又和今天有什么关系呢。请想象,为了一杯“干净”的咖啡,工人们要采摘颜色一致的鲜果,之后的发酵过程使糖分解成乳酸和香气酯分子,在您的口中则会是一种“菠萝般的酸质”。产地的咖啡处理信息固然重要,但是只有当作为咖啡师的我将这些信息与您和这杯咖啡联结在一起,这些信息才有价值。


我们的连结要从烘焙说起,我的烘焙师于清就是在这里 - 布达佩斯烘的我的比赛豆。烘焙日期是三天前,用时9分20秒,Agtron色值是70-87. 这个烘焙曲线让这支咖啡有了蜂蜜般的甜感,和丰富的层次感。





我把研磨好的咖啡粉放到这个黑色玻璃罐中,减少空气接触和阳光所带来的氧化。今天,我会用15克的咖啡,250毫升的水,最后得到220毫升的咖啡液体。并且,我用了比较细的研磨度,您可以从面前的台卡中看到确切的研磨度。这个方法增加了醇厚度。我还带来了我自己的冲煮用水,它的杂质被过滤掉了,添加了镁增加甜感。水的TDS值是70, PH值是6.8, 它为我的咖啡带来了柔软的触感和干净的余韵。


烧水温度设定为93摄氏度,这表示实际注水的温度是92摄氏度 -对于我的咖啡豆最理想的密度和动力。说得更明了一些,就是水中气泡的流动方向和水的重量,都会影响到萃取。依据烘焙时间,我会闷蒸30秒来增加这杯咖啡的酸甜感。闷蒸后我会稳稳地向中间注水防止不必要的细分搅拌。
































我的展演即将结束,我想在此告诉你咖啡对于我来说,真正意味着什么 - 连结。作为一名咖啡师,仅仅做好一杯咖啡是不够的,重要的是我们如果去感知,怎么去把关系联结起来。很高兴今天为您冲煮咖啡。我是Chad。






Judges, a very warm welcome. I'm Chad. My perception of coffee was changed last year through opportunities in tasting. That’s when I realized how "memory" makes up our coffee. Today I wish to connect the coffee, the barista and the guest. First I warm the cups for my guests with hot water. Now I invite you to open up your perception into memory and new horizons. We begin with #227, the coffee I picked for you, out of 300 coffees on a coffee table in Panama last month.


The NP Gesha Estate is located in Volcan, Silla de Pando. Its 182 hectares with over 1/3 coverage of tall wild shade. It's hot in the day due to the high altitude of 1800 meters, and cold in the night from the mist of the Pacific Ocean. Temperatures range from 8-30 degrees, with humidity of 80%. Conditions produce superior cherries. Life flourishes on this beautiful land, where 200 pickers and their families call home.


And here are your menus. Judges I'll be giving you information today, but please don't rush to make notes. You may take the menu backstage to compare later, for these ten minuets please enjoy my presentation. 


For my coffee, purple gesha cherries from lot 227 were hand picked in mid January. Fermented in a glass box under constant low temperature in the dark room. Dried on a single layer slowly for 21 days in the blue room. A new processing, but why is this relevant. Please imagine that picking of the uniform colored cherries ensures a "clean cup", and fermentation breaking down sugar to produce lactic acid and aromatic ester compounds which you will taste as "pineapple acidity". Processing information are valuable to producers of course, but I believe that it's only relevant to the guests, if the barista help you connect and relate to the cup that your served. 


Our connection begins with roasting, my roaster Yu Qing roasted the coffee right here in Budapest. She roasted 3 days ago, to Agtron 70-87 for 9:20. The profile gives "honey-like" sweetness and complexity of the cup.


As a brewer, I search for the best brew method for each and every coffee. I chose the ceramic V60 today because it's temperature stable and high lighted a "dynamic acidity" from hot to cold, making my brew more sophisticated. I use filter papjr for clarity in the cup, and I pre-wet the paper backstage, allowed my V60 to cool to room temperature. Brewing on cool ceramic enhances the "intensity in aroma". This is our second connection.


I sealed my ground coffee in this dark glass bottle to reduce oxidation of light and air exposure. And my recipe for today, 15 grams of ground coffee, 250ml of water, to brew 220ml of beverage. I'm using fine grind and you can see the grind size on the menu. This increases the  "viscosity" of the body. I also brought my own water, it was filtered to remove impurities and add magnesium for natural sweetness. It's 70 TDS, pH 6.8 and it gives my brew a soft mouth feel and clean finish. 


Temperatures were set at 93 degrees which means the pouring temperature is 92 for optimum density and kinetics. By this I mean the movement of bubbles, and the weight of the water which affects the extraction. I pre-infuse for 30 seconds to enhance the sweet acidity for this roast date. 


After pre-infusion I pour steadily down the center to avoid any unnecessary turbulence with fine grind. 


Both kettles are full of water for stability in temperature. I brew three at once so I serve at the same time.  


My total time will be 2 minutes for clean cup, target TDS 1.42 for intensity in aroma and flavour. While I brew, please turn the menu over, you'll find a summary of our connections today. Relax and enjoy the music. 


Thank you for waiting. It never ceases to amaze me how coffee changes with temperature, thus I give you two profiles for this coffee. Let's go through the cup profile for when the coffee is hot whilst referring to your menu. Please turn your menu again. 


In the aroma you first find melon, followed by mixed stone fruits like peach, apricot, sweet butterscotch caramel, with hibiscus in the end. 


The flavour is overwhelming with melon, followed by white peach, fresh orange blossom, dark honey finish. 


The aftertaste is exotic kiwi fruit first, which turns to banana liqueur and pink grapefruit finish. 


Please take a moment to observe the coffee packs, to see that all the heights are the same for consistency. I used 15g of coffee for my coffee pack to be 7cm, with a 4cm triangular solid cone to balance the acidity and body. Let's move on to tasting, our third connection.


Please refer to the instruction on the menu, I will serve the carafe for you to assess aroma. Please, you can take the carafe for swirl. Thank you for waiting. 


Moving on. 


When assessing flavour and acidity, please use your cupping spoons. For body and aftertaste, please drink directly from the cup.

Because you'll be drinking from the cup, so I created a closed thermo-system with hot water and cloth, the rims will be warm for you to sip. 


When the coffee is warm, you will find more tropical fruits like mango. 


Aftertaste, more sweet citrus fruits like blood orange.


Acidity, medium-high intensity, sweet like peach first, and turns bright to vibrant pineapple.


Body, medium intensity, syrupy and smooth texture. 


Overall, this very sophisticated cup, fruity and rich when hot, clean and transparent when warm. Judges, this coffee is so good, so amazing. Apart from evaluation judges, please enjoy it. 


And as we come to an end, I'd like to leave you with a thought of what drinking filter coffee really means for me. Connection. A good barista doesn’t just make good coffee, we sense and we connect. It was a pleasure to brew for you. I am Chad. 



2021-11-18 18:48:59