

This modern coffee maker was designed by HJC Design, a Yorkshire-based consultancy firm for Peel UK. The ultramodern countertop appliance was inspired by the drip and flow of coffee, which is simulated by the rippled stainless steel hot plate in the base. It’s encircled by a glowing ring of soft blue LEDs when it’s brewing coffee.
All those lights should using a coffee maker in the dark easier. I don’t know how well the coffee from this machine will taste, but it will certainly look good brewing it.
There’s no word yet on when or where you’ll be able to buy one. 来源:www.core77.com 中文编译:黄伟
2015-07-07 18:05:19- 上一篇
咖啡磨豆机的刻度调整--机子品牌推荐介绍 拆下刻度盘,将上图的螺帽顺时针拧下来。将两个垫片取下来(一个是带把的),将磨芯转动:顺时针转是调粗,反时针转是调细。千万注意,不要调得太多。这是粗调。然后装好。螺母是逆时针拧紧。一定要上紧。一般做意式
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专业咖啡知识交流 更多咖啡豆资讯 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style ) 咖啡是采用经过烘焙的咖啡豆制作的饮料,通常为热饮,但也有作为冷饮的冰咖啡。咖啡是人类社会流行范围最为广泛的饮料之一。既然咖啡如此受欢迎,那么今天就为大家介绍几款能轻松