
咖啡馆菜单 含酒精的咖啡饮品制作配方

发表于:2025-03-26 作者:咖啡编辑
编辑最后更新 2025年03月26日,Coffee drinks containing alcohol production formula 一:TB 咖啡 TB Coffee ①10ml 提拉米苏糖浆 10ml Tiramisu Syrup ②15ml 百利甜酒 15ml Bailys Irish cream ③60ml 牛奶 60ml milk ④30ml浓缩咖啡 30ml espresso 制作方法:将所有材料放入雪克壶,

  Coffee drinks containing alcohol production formula

  一:T&B 咖啡 T&B Coffee

  ①10ml 提拉米苏糖浆 10ml Tiramisu Syrup

  ②15ml 百利甜酒 15ml Baily’s Irish cream

  ③60ml 牛奶 60ml milk

  ④30ml浓缩咖啡 30ml espresso

  制作方法:将所有材料放入雪克壶, 加入冰块, 从分摇合,倒入马天尼杯里。

  Production methods:Combine all ingredients in shaker and fill ice cubes, shake it well.

  二:冬日快线 Sour apple way

  ①15ml青苹果糖浆 15ml Green Apple Syrup

  ②30ml伏特加 30ml Vodka

  ③10ml酸甜柠汁 10ml sweet & sour

  ④4片青柠角 4 pcs of lime wedge

  ⑤30ml菠萝汁 30ml pineapple juice


  Production methods:Pour fruits into a glass and muddle with flavoring. Fill ice cubes into shaker and combine all ingredients, shake it well.

  三:曲奇 Cookies&Cream

  ①10ml曲奇糖浆 10ml Cookie Syrup

  ②5ml苦杏糖浆 5ml Amaretto syrup

  ③30ml百利甜酒 30ml Baily’s Irish cream

  ④60ml牛奶 60ml milk

  ⑤½ 茶匙肉桂粉 ½ teaspoon cinnamon powder


  Production methods:Combine all ingredients in milk tank, steak it warm, serve into a martini.

  四:冬日圣基亚 GM Hot Sangria

  ①20ml 玫瑰糖浆 20ml Rose syrup

  ②60ml 柑曼怡 60ml Grand Marnier

  ③90ml 红酒 90ml red wine

  ④60ml 菠萝汁 60ml pineapple juice

  ⑤苏打水与柠檬汽水、柠檬片、橙片、肉桂 oda and lemonade • lemon wheel and orange , cinnamon


  Production methods:Pour all ingredients into a jar and steam it well. Pour into glass.

2015-01-09 15:51:30