KANTAN DRIP -Kalita最新产品 便携一次性滴滤杯
“KANTAN” means “easy” in Japanese, and these little single-cup single-use drippers live up to their name!
Remove one KANTAN DRIP from the package, fold down each side, pop open the filter basket, and add between 12 to 16 grams of your favorite ground coffee. Despite their small size, the KANTAN DRIP sets you up for a truly excellent brew, with an even brew bed, proper bed-depth, and the ability to drip your brew water with minimal agitation of your coffee grounds.
只需从包装袋取出滴滤纸杯,展开滤纸杯放在任何水杯的杯口上,放入12-16g的咖啡粉。虽然Kantan Drip很小,但是同样可以冲泡出一杯高水准的咖啡。
Pair it with a hand-powered coffee grinder, and you’ve got a fantastic compact coffee brewing kit!
品名:Kantan Drip, 30-pack (#08029)
零售价 (USD): $9.95

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