
曼特宁和苏门答腊 单品咖啡曼特宁来源一场美丽的误会

发表于:2025-03-15 作者:咖啡编辑
编辑最后更新 2025年03月15日,专业咖啡师交流 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style ) 单品系列 曼特宁 Single OriginMandheling 印尼的 曼特宁 在台湾闻名已久,他产自于印尼苏门答腊托巴胡边的黏土高原其实 曼特宁 并非产区或庄园的名字。他的名字其实是一场美丽的误会。二战期间日本

专业咖啡师交流 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style )

‘单品系列’曼特宁‘Single Origin’Mandheling
产地: 苏门答腊 托巴湖 印尼
制造: 在地小农夫
品种: 铁比卡
海拔: 750-1500米
处理法: 半水洗处理
烘培度: 中深培
新鲜度: 二——三周内烘培
干香: 胡桃巧克力的香气
湿香: 胡桃香醇挟带焦糖香
风味: 木质草本清香味
余韵: 微甜尾韵
醇度: 浓郁圆润的醇香
酸度: ★☆☆☆☆
甜味: ★★☆☆☆
苦味: ★★★☆☆
“Mandheling” has been a well-known coffee in Taiwan, but rarely does people know that Mandheling is actually not a coffee origin place nor a port name. It’s a mistaken name from a group of people in Indonesia. In World War II, Japan occupied Indonesia. One day, a Japanese soldier ordered a cup of coffee in a local cafe and was amazed by the wonderful flavour. Therefore, he asked the owner what the coffee’s name was. By accident, the owner thought the soldier was asking where he was from. Later on, this coffee became famous in Japan and Asia for its mistaken name for decades. It’s actually an interesting mistake!
Origin: Toba Lake, Sumatra, Indonesia
Species: Typica
Altitude: 750-1500m
Producer: local independent farmers
Process: semi-washed process
Roast Levels: dark roasted
Freshness: roasted within 2-3 weeks
Fragrance: walnut and chocolaty fragrance
Aroma: with caramel aroma
Flavour: earthy and grassy
Aftertaste: slightly sweetness finish
Body: thick and rounded
Acidity: ★☆☆☆☆
Sweetness: ★★☆☆☆
Bitterness: ★★★☆☆
2017-11-30 09:52:28