荷兰咖啡烘焙机 Giesen W45 A Coffee Roaster
Giesen W45 A Coffee Roaster
The newest machine in our collection is the Giesen W45 Coffee Roaster. Developed in 2011 to meet the demands of the market, this coffee roaster has a production capacity of 180 kg/h and is therefore well equipped for industrial purposes and roasting in large batches.
Completely automated roasting process
The Giesen W45 coffee roaster can be operated completely automatically. The standard working steps are automated to ensure a fast, easy and efficient roasting process. The green beans are being poured automatically into the hopper and will subsequently be released into the roasting drum. After the roast, the roasted coffee beans will be poured into the cooling fan. This fan has a high cooling capacity of 3 minutes to cool down a whole batch of 45 kg coffee beans. At the same time, during the cooling phase, new green beans can be released into the drum for the next roast. This ensures the productivity and efficiency of the total roasting process.
Control tower system with touch screen
The roasting process itself can be monitored and programmed via the control tower system. This is the well known Roast Profile System, that Giesen Coffee Roasters works with for all the coffee roasters. Proven recipes and roast profiles can be saved into the system and replayed for selected batches. In this way it is easy to roast different coffee types, each with their own settings and duration, for the optimal stable end result that meets the original quality every time again. The control tower system is easy to operate via a touch screen where the temperature, power, fan speed and drum speed can be adjusted. All parameters are visible on the screen and every adjustment can be controlled, even up to the physical under pressure in the roasting drum.
Equipment and appearance of the Giesen W45 Coffee Roaster
The Giesen W45 coffee roaster has a cast iron double walled drum with high performance bearings. The whole machine is equipped with low noise fans and all parts are easy to clean and maintain. Additionally the roaster works with an internal cyclone to collect the chaff of the roasted beans. The standard heat resistant colors are black or silver grey as we consider those a suitable finishing touch for this highly industrial coffee roaster. Upon request it is possible to customize the color of the coffee roaster into every existing RAL code.
Roaster Capacity: 15 – 45 kg
Amperage: 32A
Exhaust diameter:
Gas: Propane / Butane / Naturalgas
Electrical supply: 3 phase 230V / 400V / 50-60 HZ
Roaster Weight: 1800 kg
Automatic airflow control
Automatic burner control
Data logging and profiling
Easy maintenance
Every type of gas/power
Complete CE tested.
Completely built in the Netherlands
Full automatic system possible
Automatic filling system with vacuum or cable way
Destonerfor 60 KG roastedbeans

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咖啡烘焙机:贝贝炒焙机 咖啡生豆烘焙电动烘豆机220v详细介绍
1、本机适用于咖啡烘焙初学者,本价位的机器在精确度、性能和做工方面比较一般,请不要跟上千元的机器比,对于机器要求比较高的亲请慎重购买,不接受中差评哦。 2、本机只适合烘焙豆类和坚果类产品,更不适合连续不停止24小时烘焙其他类产品,违反使用概不负
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