咖啡发展 第三波咖啡Third Wave Coffee
“Third Wave Coffee” is a focus on quality in the cup that associated with specific origins, production methods, and preparation styles as opposed to consumption alone which goes back to “The First wave Coffee”. ”The Second Wave Coffee” was about enjoyment and defining specialty.
Third Wave Coffee allows the coffee to speak for itself. Any coffee shops or any knowledgeable barista around the world who truly appreciate his/hers passion to coffee industry and each coffee for what it truly is will take whatever necessary steps to highlight the amazing and unique character in every coffee. It is a movement toward a good coffee.

Third Wave Coffee involves improvements at all stages of production. Paying the good attention to coffee bean growing, harvesting and processing and most important is establishing the stronger relationship between coffee growers, coffee traders and roasters. The main aspect is selection of high quality beans which results to fresh roasting and skilled brewing techniques of baristi.
Any baristi around the world who give a lot of attention to best quality coffee beverage preparation have a highest form of coffee culinary appreciation, detailing in subtleties of coffee flavor, beans varietal and regions the coffee comes from.
The roasters approach to The Third Wave Coffee movement is to find the highest quality green beans from coffee production regions (such as Central/South America, Indo-Pacific and Africa). Those roasters have developed a direct trade with coffee farms by buying the best green beans possible. Roasters, such as Intelligentsia Coffee, BareFoot Coffee, Stumptown Coffee in USA or Taf Coffee in Greece, etc. work with farmers to figure out the actual cost of their hard work of coffee production in order to negotiate a fair price with farmers so they could remain profitable to produce the greatest coffee for the next season.

The Third Wave Coffee is based on continuous education, evaluation, skills improvement and best approach possible to the unique character of coffee beans that take a long journey from seed to cup.
2014-12-31 10:52:03- 上一篇
精品咖啡文化常识 布达佩斯咖啡文化
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