Silent cafes attract Japanese 日本渐兴起 沉默咖啡馆介绍
A young woman sits alone in a café sipping tea and reading a book.
She pauses briefly to scribble in a nearby notepad before showing her words to a passing café worker: "Where are the toilets please?"
This is a familiar scenario in Tokyo's so-called "silent cafés", spaces which appear at first glance to be conventional cafés but where customers are not allowed to speak, communicating instead by writing on notepads.
A growing number of "silent cafés" - with self-imposed chat bans - are opening across the capital, attracting a steady stream of Tokyoites keen to swap the pressure-cooker pace of urban life for solitary silence.
2015-12-15 17:00:03- 上一篇
这大约是温州市区海拔最高的咖啡馆了 最主要的还是店主的颜值…
专业咖啡师交流 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style ) 慢山里|大罗山盘云谷 文字|颜语城 编辑|虫虫 图片|慢山里 慢山里,大罗山盘云谷进村第一家民宿。 新开,于是门口的树上缠满了红布条,店主说,他要在这里挂满故事。 是的,每一个经过此地,进来坐坐的
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开咖啡馆应该是很多人的梦想,可大多也只能在梦里想。选址,装修,房租,餐饮,证件,推广,招聘,财务,这些具体问题是怎么搞定的呢? 第一想:梦想=梦里想? 开咖啡馆应该是很多人的梦想,可大多也只能在梦里想。毕竟大家都知道,各种情操小资文艺小清新摇滚