
Hey Joe杯--户外新体验

发表于:2025-03-03 作者:咖啡编辑
编辑最后更新 2025年03月03日,受西方文化影响咖啡成为快节奏都市环境下的绝佳提神之物,全国各地每个街角都遍布着在各种咖啡馆,而随着便携式咖啡机的推进越来越多的消费者开始尝试自己磨豆自己制造咖啡。

  来自亚特兰大的两位企业家为此推出了Hey Joe杯,为那些在户外的用户提供最新鲜制造的咖啡。

  Hey Joe杯能够容纳14盎司(414ml)的水,并能沏出14盎司(414ml)的咖啡,整个杯子的重量为0.9磅(408g),采用垂直堆叠的两个系统,首先将水倒入杯中,然后将咖啡粉末包嵌入到杯子中间,当点击杯子上的按钮之后就会自动对水进行加热进行滴漏式煮咖啡,当按击一次会加热到60摄氏度,而按击两下会加热到68摄氏度,而按击三下则会制作冰咖啡。

  这款Hey Joe杯计划在众筹平台Kickstarter上筹集$20000,目前Hey Joe杯的捐献价格为$49,产品预计将于2014年11月份发售。

The 0.9 lb (408 g) brew mug uses a stacked two reservoir system, giving it a tall and slen...
One push will see coffee brewed at 140  F (60  C), two pushes heats things up to 155  F (6...
The Hey Joe mug works with the company's custom coffee pods containing either its Bold as ...
Water is poured into the top compartment at any temperature and is then warmed by a heatin...
The Hey Joe mug works with the company's custom coffee pods containing either its Bold as ...
Once the water reaches the preset temperature, it drips through a hole and onto the coffee...
One push will see coffee brewed at 140  F (60  C), two pushes heats things up to 155  F (6...
One push will see coffee brewed at 140  F (60  C), two pushes heats things up to 155  F (6...
The 0.9 lb (408 g) brew mug use a vertically stacked two reservoir system, giving it a tal...
Once the water reaches the preset temperature, it drips through a hole and onto the coffee...
2014-06-06 17:01:33