广州有特色的咖啡厅-没有咖啡的十号咖啡馆 广州哪里有高档咖啡
发表于:2025-03-26 作者:咖啡编辑
编辑最后更新 2025年03月26日,专业咖啡知识交流 更多咖啡豆资讯 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style ) 上海互动调酒师俱乐部推荐酒吧系列(名人名店) 十号咖啡馆-Oyzann(欧阳智安) Terry Huang(黄贵恒) 联合创始人 广州市越秀区烟墩路10号 10Yandun Lu, Yuexiu District, Guangz

专业咖啡知识交流 更多咖啡豆资讯 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style )
上海互动调酒师俱乐部推荐酒吧系列(名人名店)十号咖啡馆-Oyzann(欧阳智安)& Terry Huang(黄贵恒)联合创始人广州市越秀区烟墩路10号10Yandun Lu, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou.订座电话 Reservations:020 8766 9918刚听到十号咖啡馆(TenCafe),给我的第壹想法是,这是广州咖啡馆?看来我还是To Young To Simple原来里面没有咖啡,以威士忌与鸡尾酒为主的壹家名人名店。好吧,看来我们太年青,太天真了。店内的主理人是两位在中国调酒届大名鼎鼎的黄贵恒老师与欧阳智安老师,相信这两人不用我们多介绍了吧,这壹介绍他们的经历,我想整篇文章都不够介绍了,反正就记住是中国调酒届内最具有影响力的大师级人物就好了。Oyzann(欧阳智安)Terry Huang(黄贵恒)两位超级大咖联合创办的店,自然有他们20多年来对鸡尾酒的深刻理解,他们用了20年的经验来为顾客献上壹杯在他们心里面认为最好的产品,到广州非常值得去的壹家名人名店WE MIX DRINKS AND DEVILTenCafe(十号咖啡馆)装修升级之后,如今以全新面貌呈现在世人眼前。红黑交织的“造梦空间”Since the last Ten Cafe renovation, it is now revealing a new look for the eyes ofthe world - red and black intertwined into a "dream space."东方古典、西方情调,红黑交织折射出一个超现实主义的“造梦空间”。整个酒吧空间犹如游园惊梦,玫瑰金包真皮的吧台就是这个造梦空间里嵌造的另一个梦,梦中之梦。Eastern classical mixed with Western style,red and black intertwined reflects surrealist "dream space." Theentire bar area is like a garden dream, rose gold package of leather bar is thedream of space embedded in another dream.庄严的镜面,银灰色质感的舒适沙发、古典椅子拼凑成一个私密空间。这里是一个好朋友相聚的会客厅,也是各种有意思的人邂逅的地方,艺术家、网络人、设计师、资本家和思想家可以自由交流。Solemn mirror, silver-gray texture of the comfortable sofa, classical chairs put together into a private space. Here is a place where good friends meet, and also place where you can expect to encounter all kinds of people. Artists, musician, and designers feel free to communicate.店内主人所采用的极具格调的中西结合的环境风格,极简的光束,大气的皮沙发,精致的挂画,色泽透亮纹路优雅的大理石桌子,处处隐约得感受到一番别致高雅的玩味,每个细节让身处其中的客人由衷的感受到主人别具一格的审美和用心。The owner of the store used the combination of Chinese and Western style, minimalist beam, the atmosphere of leather sofas,exquisite paintings, translucent lines of elegant marble table. Every detailcan show the owner’s unique aesthetic.墙上的挂画配合古董家私无一不透露著意大利文艺复兴时期浓厚的艺术氛围,在品酒之余,伴随著酒精的催化情绪作用,身心得以完全释放。艺术与酒的结合从来都不会令你失望,对吗?Wall paintings with antique furniture areall revealing a strong artistic atmosphere of the Italian Renaissance. After having some fun along with alcohol, physical and mental state will becompletely relaxed. The combination of art and wine will never disappoint you,right?正如吧台正前方的一块长方形镜子左边写著的“we mix drinks and people”,颇有意境。与海明威的那句名言“I drink to make other people more interesting”有异曲同工之妙。酒吧主人也许希望通过这简短一句话传达经营酒吧的感悟以及乐趣吧。Justas the bar in front of a rectangular mirror on the left written, "we mix drinks and people", is quite artistic.And Hemingway's famous phrase “I drink to make other people moreinteresting" has the same purpose. Bar owners may wish to convey the fun of running the bar through this short sentence.喝酒可以使周边的噪音变小,让世界变得不再那么难以忍受,微醺之后,人们的耳朵似乎已经装上了一层屏风,也似乎真的更容易开心了。Having some drinks once in a while cansilence the every day noise and make you feel so that the world is no longer sounbearable. Everything seems easier and peaceful.新装修完的十号咖啡馆(TenCafe)就是这么一个我和你和他一起开心“做梦”的地方。举起酒杯敬身边的人也敬自己,cheers。Newly renovated Ten cafe is a place forpeople who want to ‘dream’。 Come on and raise your glass to join us, as adreamer. Cheers!TenCafe(十号咖啡馆)广州市越秀区烟墩路10号
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