

发表于:2025-03-04 作者:咖啡编辑
编辑最后更新 2025年03月04日,烘焙这锅Kenya Nyeri AA Tegu的时候,在二爆第一响停止烘焙~ 虽然入了二爆,肯尼亚的酸度依然强劲~ 总体感觉,跟传统的肯尼亚一样,粘稠度好、水果酸强劲、口感复杂~ 以下资料来源于sweetmarias Country: Kenya Grade: AA Region: Nyeri Mark: Tegu Factory,

  烘焙这锅Kenya Nyeri AA Tegu的时候,在二爆第一响停止烘焙~





  Country: Kenya

  Grade: AA

  Region: Nyeri

  Mark: Tegu Factory, Tekangu FCS


  Arrival Date: August 2011 Arrival

  Appearance: .0 d/300gr, 17-18 Screen


  Intensity/Prime Attribute: Bold Intensity / Dark fruited notes, spice and a reverberant sweetness

  Roast: City+ produced the best roast but it works darker as well, up to Full City+

  Compare to:>

  Tegu is a coffee washing station, a wet mill, a coffee factory. Well, its all three. A ;factory; is a wet mill where the coop members bring coffee cherry for pulping, fermenting, washing, drying. Its not the factory as we might imagine it. Small washing stations are aligned with a particular ;society; which is what they call a cooperative in Kenya. Tegu is part of Tekangu Farmers Cooperative Society (FCS) which combines the names for their 3 factories: Tegu, Karagoto and Ngunguru. I visited them this season and the previous as well, since we have bought many small lots over time from Tekangu. The quality from Tegu has been remarkable. What I saw at Tegu was excellent sorting of cherry at the mill by each picker, before they submit the coffee to be processed. Over-ripe and immature cherries are culled out. They have a system where pickers are graded as A or B. ;A; pickers are those who have been proven to deliver well-selected and sorted cherry, and they are invited to submit coffee>



2014-06-19 11:47:25