Cafelat 意式咖啡机头清洁刷

Espresso Machine Brush
Think your group is clean? Think again!
Over the years Paul has rebuilt dozens of machines, that equals hundreds of groups. They all had one thing in common, the groups were really dirty up around the gasket area and the bayonet ring. Keeping your group clean is a vital component to being able to produce coffee the way the roaster intended.Regular cleaning brushes won’t clean up there so Paul and Karina came up with the Cafelat brush that really works.
The patented Cafelat cleaning brush is designed to clean your espresso machine grouphead, in particular those hard-to-reach areas around the sealing gasket. The brush fits most standard commercial espresso machines and "locks" into the group just like a portafilter. Each brush box set comes with an extra pair of natural fibre brushes. Full instructions on how to use and change the brushes are included.
This box contains one brush and a pair of extra bristles.
Using the Espresso machine cleaning brush
I’ve been using this brush now for over a year and here’s my way of cleaning a group.
Fill a pitcher with hot water

Add some cleaning powder, you can even use the same solution as you do when you clean your portafilters.

Load up the brush by dipping it into the solution.

Insert the brush into the group as you would a regular portafilter.

Here is a close-up of the brush inside the group. As you can see it fits exactly over the rubber gaskets and is able to clean up around the gasket and the bayonet ring. A lot of coffee oils and grounds live up there.

What I do then is take the brush out and dip it again in the cleaning solution – you will then see how much dirt and oils there were inside your group.

To finish I then rinse the brush under the tap to clean it, I then do a final clean of the group with the clean brush. I then use a wet micro fiber cloth and wipe the entire area.
Your group is now clean!
来源: 雅图国际有限公司
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