lamarzocco grinder vulcano
Fresh coffee explosion
The Vulcano is a new family of espresso coffee grinders that bring together La Marzocco's distinct design with Mazzer's unparalled technology. The Vulcano was inspired by the original 1960s model, which was created by Giuseppe Bambi and award winning for its unique design at the Milan Expo in 1968. Constructed in polished stainless steel with matte black particulars, and available in two versions, standard grinder doser and grinder on demand. The Vulcano is a perfect complement to La Marzocco's new Strada!

lamarzocco vulcano st(Standard)

lamarzocco vulcano od (On Demand)
2015-07-06 18:25:24- 上一篇
saeco咖啡机除垢步骤 如何为我的 Saeco Intelia 意式咖啡机除垢
专业咖啡师交流 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style ) 为 Saeco Intelia 意式 咖啡机除垢 ,有助于维持产品的最佳状态。 了解如何自己动手轻松做。 开始除垢循环前 完成除垢的时间约为 30 分钟,其中包含除垢循环和冲洗循环 一旦启动除垢程序,就必须一
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飞马FAEMA 半自动咖啡机品牌介绍
摘要 : FAEMA E61藉由扣入加压帮浦的装置,提供稳定的萃取压力来源,取代之前利用机械式把手或液压控制系统,成为目前大部分机型至今仍沿用的模式; 飞马FAEMA 1961年E61的出现是意大利与西班牙合作生产下的结晶。 E61藉由扣入加压帮浦的装置,提供稳定的萃