
单品曼特宁咖啡 MANDHELING怎么喝 单品咖啡黄金曼特宁多少钱一杯

发表于:2025-03-28 作者:咖啡编辑
编辑最后更新 2025年03月28日,专业咖啡知识交流 更多咖啡豆资讯 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style ) 咖啡豆黄金 曼特宁/ Golden Mandheling 简介 产地:印尼苏门答腊。 风味:口感圆润厚实、浓郁香醇与细致的层次风味。 香气:蜂蜜奶油与坚果香,混合独特的香气。 黄金 曼特宁 以精

专业咖啡知识交流 更多咖啡豆资讯 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style )

  • 咖啡豆——黄金曼特宁/ Golden Mandheling 简介
    单品系列’曼特宁‘Single Origin’Mandheling
    P.T. PAWANI 旗下品牌名豆- Golden Mandheling 产于印尼。北苏门达腊省。托巴湖(Lake Toba)周边山区,托巴湖海拔约900米,是火山爆发活动后所产生的高山湖泊,气候凉爽,周遭苍郁青山围绕,湖与山所形成的微型气候让该区广植农作,而咖啡栽种则源自17世纪末,由荷兰人引进的铁毕卡老树种,Pawani黄金曼特宁是经严格的人工多次筛选所成Grade1等级完美生豆,为最高等级之曼特宁咖啡!
    Golden Mandheling is production in North Sumatra Indonesia,it is old typica trees,The golden mandheling is many times artificial  rigorous screening perfect beans, is the highest quality of Mandheling beans!
    Cupping Record - 烤坚果,甜奶油,药草香,干燥木质香,甜桃,入口滑稠感明显,黑巧克力苦甜,牛奶糖味,药草味,后段微微桃子酸香引出甜味感,回甘持久。
    产地: 苏门答腊 托巴湖 印尼
    制造: 在地小农夫
    品种: 铁比卡
    海拔: 750-1500米
    处理法: 半水洗处理
    烘培度: 中深培
    新鲜度: 二——三周内烘培
    干香: 胡桃巧克力的香气
    湿香: 胡桃香醇挟带焦糖香
    风味: 木质草本清香味
    余韵: 微甜尾韵
    醇度: 浓郁圆润的醇香
    酸度: ★☆☆☆☆
    甜味: ★★☆☆☆
    苦味: ★★★☆☆
    “Mandheling” has been a well-known coffee in Taiwan, but rarely does people know that Mandheling is actually not a coffee origin place nor a port name. It’s a mistaken name from a group of people in Indonesia. In World War II, Japan occupied Indonesia. One day, a Japanese soldier ordered a cup of coffee in a local cafe and was amazed by the wonderful flavour. Therefore, he asked the owner what the coffee’s name was. By accident, the owner thought the soldier was asking where he was from. Later on, this coffee became famous in Japan and Asia for its mistaken name for decades. It’s actually an interesting mistake!
    Origin: Toba Lake, Sumatra, Indonesia
    Species: Typica
    Altitude: 750-1500m
    Producer: local independent farmers
    Process: semi-washed process
    Roast Levels: dark roasted
    Freshness: roasted within 2-3 weeks
    Fragrance: walnut and chocolaty fragrance
    Aroma: with caramel aroma
    Flavour: earthy and grassy
    Aftertaste: slightly sweetness finish
    Body: thick and rounded
    Acidity: ★☆☆☆☆
    Sweetness: ★★☆☆☆
    Bitterness: ★★★☆☆


2018-03-30 23:49:44