

发表于:2024-12-23 作者:咖啡编辑
编辑最后更新 2024年12月23日,专业咖啡知识交流 更多咖啡豆资讯 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style ) 梅丽塔滤杯 家庭号咖啡滤杯,骨董级的梦幻逸品。 手冲咖啡 手冲咖啡是由一位德国家庭主妇本茨梅丽塔(Bentz Melitta)发明了 melitta滤杯 滤泡咖啡的手法。 由于梅丽塔女士十分厌

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  • 梅丽塔滤杯 家庭号咖啡滤杯,骨董级的梦幻逸品。
    手冲咖啡是由一位德国家庭主妇本茨・梅丽塔(Bentz Melitta)发明了melitta滤杯滤泡咖啡的手法。
    Pour-Over Coffee
    Pour-over coffee is a brewing method that came with German housewife Bentz Melitta’s invention of coffee filter.
    Ms. Melitta was annoyed by the coffee grounds that stick to one’s teeth when drinking coffee, so she thought of using blotting paper and a brass pot perforated using a nail to filter the grounds; hence the invention of grounds-free, pure flavored filtered coffee. The Kaiserliche Patentamt (Imperial Patent Office) granted her a patent on June 20th, 1908, and Melitta used her signature as her products’ registered trademark.
    The benefit of pour-over coffee is that it makes a richer and more flavorful brew. The filter paper absorbs the oil from the beans, giving it a more refreshing taste. In addition, you can deliver a different cup of coffee each time by the benefit of having control over each step of coffee making process; such as water temperature, speed of the pour, pouring trajectory, types of drippers, etc.
    法式滤压壶是米兰一位设计师安提利欧·卡利马利(Attilio Calimani)于1929年申请了滤压式咖啡的专利。
    French Press
    French press is a coffee brewing device patented by Italian designer Attilio Calimani in 1929.
    French press is made of glass and metal filter. Unlike syphon coffee or pour-over coffee which can alter the flavor by changing some factors, the benefit of French press is knowing that it can deliver a constant cup of coffee beans’ original flavor. The only factors that will impact the flavor are: brew time, water temperature, and grind size. The flavor is close to what you get during coffee tasting.
    Syphon Coffee
    There are different opinions on the origin of Syphon, most are unable to verify. One thing for sure is that it has a longer history than pour-over coffee. Syphon is a brewing method that uses pressure generated from boiling water to brew coffee.
    Syphon uses distillation principle to extract coffee, which can bring out the aromatic substances in coffee powder. Many have a wrong view of syphon coffee, that it’s a lesser brewing method compared to pour-over. However syphon is a great choice for those who like thick, smooth coffee taste.
    Cold Drip Coffee
    Cold drip coffee was invented in the Netherlands, also known as Dutch coffee. It uses cold water instead of hot water to brew coffee; hence it requires a longer time to extract the same coffee concentration.
    Cold drip coffee is the method of dissolving ice into water, and then slowly dripping it over coffee powder to extract coffee. It takes a long time, often hours, to extract enough coffee for one serving.
    Cold drip coffee’s unique extraction method gives it a unique flavor. In addition to the aroma from the coffee beans, there’s also the sense similar to fermented wine, making the coffee more sweet and mellow.


2018-06-24 13:26:50