

发表于:2025-03-26 作者:咖啡编辑
编辑最后更新 2025年03月26日,Thanks to everyone for an amazing night at the WACs, thanks to everyone who came and supported and thanks especially to 5Senses for hosting and the incredible generosity of all the sponsors. Music and dance-offs were provided by the boyz o

  Thanks to everyone for an amazing night at the WACs, thanks to everyone who came and supported and thanks especially to 5Senses for hosting and the incredible generosity of all the sponsors. Music and dance-offs were provided by the boyz of SPRUDGE.


  Thanks also to the judges, Tim Wendelboe, Casper Engel Rasmussen and the multi-talented Ben Kaminsky who was also MCing.

  也感谢我们的评委Tim Wendelboe,Casper Engel Rasmussen和同样来自MCing的才子的Ben Kaminsky

  A massive congratulations to our top 3 competitors in the now two-time World Aeropress Champion, Jeff Verellen from Caffenation in Antwerp, Belgium, the 2nd place getter all the way from Finland, via Portend Oregon, the wonderful Wille Yli-Luoma and taking 3rd place was the charming Tibor Varady from Espresso Embassy, Budapest.

  热烈恭喜我们的3位获奖选手:冠军是曾获得2010世界爱乐压大赛冠军的Jeff Verellen,来自比利时北部安特卫普的Caffenation;亚军由芬兰选手Wille Yli-Luoma获得,来自匈牙利首都布达佩斯Espresso Embassy的帅哥Tibor Varady斩获。

  Jeff will be flown all the way to Oslo to attend the epic Nordic Barista Cup in September and will be paying a tonne of money for excess luggage due to the giant smorgasbord of prizes from Baratza, Handsome Coffee Roasters, Market Lane Coffee, Able Brewing, OTTO and Aerobie.

  冠军Jeff将赴挪威首都奥斯陆参加9月份的Nordic Barista Cup,此次比赛将由各路大牌鼎力赞助,分别是Baratza, Handsome Coffee Roasters, Market Lane Coffee, Able Brewing, OTTO and Aerobie.

  All the snaps from the night were composed by the skilled Abigail Varney.

  现场所有照片是由技艺娴熟的Abigail Varney抓拍。

  All their recipes will be published soon… so stay tuned!



  Jeff Verellen’s winning recipe :

  Jeff Verellen的秘诀

  17 grams coffee ground 5.75 on the uber grinder, little courser than paper filter.

  17g粉 – 使用爱尔兰Uber磨豆机5.75刻度,比滴滤还粗一点点;

  Rinsed normal filter, aeropress in regular position.


  50 grams of water at 83c for the bloom.

  闷蒸 – 83℃ 50g水

  Bloom for 40s. Nicely wet all grounds and lightly agitate holding the aeropress and shaking it abit around.

  Very slowly add 215 grams of water at 79c for about 30 sec

  40s后,边慢慢旋转爱乐压,边小心加入215g 79℃的水 约30s,

  Press very gently for about 30 seconds.

  Leave about 50 gram slurry in the press and discard.

  Put the rest of the brew in the gob.


  Extra tips for supreme brew:


  Picking beans, lights out, heavies in. Too big and weird, also out.

  挑豆 – 轻的,太大的,瑕疵豆等不要,只要均匀厚实感的,

  Use a cocktail pitcher to grind in and charge up static electricity so light particles stick to the walls, try to discard them.


  2013WAC 2nd_Wille Yli-Luoma

  Wille Yli-Luoma’s 2nd place recipe :

  再看Wille Yli-Luoma的秘诀



  17 grams of coffee

  240 water right of boil

  2 min steep with 3 stirs.


  2013WAC 3rd_Tibor Varaday

  Tibor Varaday’s 3rd place recipe :

  Tibor Varaday的秘诀又如何呢?

  Place 12g quite coarsely ground coffee into aeropress (set grind to taste),


  pre-infuse with about 50g gramms of 90 degrees celsius water,

  先使用50g, 90℃的水浸泡

  stir vigorously, 5 times,


  add remaining water to a total of 200 gramms,


  place cap on without stirring,


  press out air while still in inverted position, until drops appear on top,


  turn aeropress into a non-inverted position onto a pitcher, but do not press yet.


  After two minutes of brew time have past, press gently using body weight, as the Aeropress allows.




  爱乐压 – 想怎么玩就怎么玩。


2015-10-16 18:27:43