
My Coffee Wall 挂墙式咖啡机

发表于:2025-01-26 作者:咖啡编辑
编辑最后更新 2025年01月26日,这款“黑色幸运”前卫概念咖啡机,由Song Ah Lee设计,形状与常见的咖啡机相去甚远,自带一个咖啡杯,需安装在墙上使用,为的是节省空间,对办公室和家庭是个不错的选择。
 My Coffee Wall 挂墙式咖啡机
 My Coffee Wall 挂墙式咖啡机
 My Coffee Wall 挂墙式咖啡机

My Coffee Wall Designer: Song Ah Lee

We love our coffee so much that we are doing two posts on it today! Plus I am totally intrigued by the Black Luk, a wall mounted coffee machine that dispenses a cuppa java at a time. It is quite a radical form and I have never seen anything quite like it. Sadly the specs are unavailable and not much info is forthcoming. All I can say that anything that dispenses coffee is already on my favorite list. 来源:www.yankodesign.com 中文:黄伟


2014-06-09 14:23:38