

发表于:2025-03-29 作者:咖啡编辑
编辑最后更新 2025年03月29日,产区:薇薇特南果高原 生产者:茵杰特庄园 海拔:1500~1850M 品种:卡杜艾波旁 处理法:水洗 等级:SHB 风味叙述:温带水果调,核果奶油,花生,烤面包,酸质温和内敛,口感滑顺 Finca El Injertal is a family owned and operated estate located near the small town o

Finca El Injertal is a family owned and operated estate located near the small town of La Democracia in the mountains of Huehuetenango, in the northwest region of Guatemala. Founded by Jose Olivio Chavez in the 1930's, the farm has been producing high quality coffees for three generations and is operated today by Jose Olivio's grandson, Jose Alejandro. The 205 acre farm has 173 acres in coffee productionwhile the remaining 32 acres are kept as a forest preserve where native species of trees provide refuge for wildlife in the area. The farm contains several natural springs that provide an adequate wate supply during the dry season and are used as a source of energy to run the coffee processing mill. Certified by the Rainforest Alliance, the coffee plantation is completedly coverd with shade trees,a source of abundant organic matter and an aid in soil erosion control, an important consideration due to the steep hillsides in this area. All of these circumstances - rich soil, adequate water, and high altitude - result in a unique miroclimate well suited for the production of high quality coffee. The quality of El Injertal's coffee was first recognized in the first Guatemala Cup of Excellence Auction of Guatemalan coffees and is still recognized today as a farm of distinction.s coffee was first recognized in the first Guatemala Cup of Excellence Auction of Guatemalan coffees and is still recognized today as a farm of distinction.s coffee was first recognized in the first Guatemala Cup of Excellence Auction of Guatemalan coffees and is still recognized today as a farm of distinction.
提示!!:瓜地马拉薇薇特南果产区在市场上有两个名字非常接近的庄园, El Injertal(中文通常译成「茵杰特庄园」),另一个是El Injerto(中文通常译成「茵赫特庄园」),这是两个完全独立,完全不同的庄园.常常看到有些玩家,甚至有些还蛮有知名度的店家把两者混为一谈
2018-01-04 12:13:44