
咖啡豆烘焙软件 Artisan (记录烘焙曲线)咖啡师烘焙师 意式拼配豆

发表于:2025-03-27 作者:咖啡编辑
编辑最后更新 2025年03月27日,简介 Artisan is software that helps coffee roasters record, analyze, and control roast profiles. When used in conjunction with a thermocouple data logger or a proportionalintegralderivative controller (PID controller), this software can au



Artisan is software that helps coffee roasters record, analyze, and control roast profiles. When used in conjunction with a thermocouple data logger or a proportional–integral–derivative controller (PID controller), this software can automate the creation of roasting metrics to help make decisions that influence the final coffee flavor.
Artisan是一个软件,可以帮助咖啡烘焙师记录烘焙过程的温度曲线,还可以通过Artisan分析和控制咖啡烘焙的质量。通过计算机与“温度记录仪” 或者“PID 控制器”(比例-积分-微分控制器)连接,Artisan可以自动化的创建烘焙曲线来帮助烘焙师做出决定来改变最终的咖啡风味。






  • - Fuji PXR/PXG 4 & 5 PID
  • - Delta DTA PID
  • - Omega HH309, HH506RA, HH802U, HH806AU, HHM28
  • - CENTER 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 309
  • - VOLTCRAFT K202, K204, 300K, 302KJ
  • - EXTECH 421509
  • - Arduino TC4
  • - TE VA18B
  • - non-wireless Amprobe TMD-56 (same as Omega HH806AU)
  • - virtual devices (symbolic devices)
  • - device None (manual device)
  • - external program

unlimited number of devices/curves running at the same time

symbolic manipulation of device outputs

Fahrenheit and Celsius display and conversion

manual logging of extra events (FCs,FCe,..)

custom event programmable buttons

large buttons supporting touch panels

live ET/BT rate-of-rise curves with filter

metric and thermal head-up-display predicting the ET/BT future during logging

profile statistics and evaluations based on user configurable roast phases

background reference profile

user defined cup profiles and cup profile graphs

HTML report creation

CSV export

Omega HH506 and K202 CSV import
可单独导出Omega HH506和K202 的CSV格式文件

PID duty cycle

profile designer

wheel graph editor

mathematical plotter
localizations (translations for German, French, Spanish, Swedish, Italian)
multi-core CPU performance enhancement support
template/background reproduction playback aid
alarms with programmable outputs
automatic CHARGE/DROP event detection

2016-07-11 17:52:16