创意拿铁拉花 小黄人拉花咖啡萌翻旧金山
Some artists work in charcoal, others watercolor and some use ... foam?
Melannie Aquino works at the Elite Audio Coffee Bar in downtown San Francisco. Like many baristas, she began experimenting with latte art to mix up the grind of pulling shots all day long.
"It was pretty primitive, but the customer loved it so much that their reaction stuck with me. After that I was hooked," Aquino wrote in a post on Medium this week.“
Espresso-outlined bears turned into animals before Aquino set her sights on the bespectacled creatures known as Minions that are sweeping the nation. The yellow "box office superstars" have been featured in three films -- most recently the eponymously named "Minions" -- and have been taking social media by storm.
"They’re such expressive characters and it’s fun to bring them to life with each drink," Aquino wrote. "People kept coming back for them!"
来源: 沪江英语
2015-07-22 10:25:30- 上一篇
从云南普洱出入境检验检疫局获悉,国家级咖啡检测重点实验室在普洱市开工建设,标志着中国唯一的国家级咖啡产品专业实验室在云南省诞生。 普洱市咖啡栽培始于19世纪末,1988年开始产业化发展,2015年全市咖啡种植面积75.7万亩,投产40.23万亩,产量3.99万吨
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喝咖啡在许多国家算是稀松平常的小事,但是在北韩首都平壤一杯咖啡要价3.5美元(约22RMB),相当于北韩工人一个月工资。 根据南韩《朝鲜日报》报导,在北韩进行职业教育的国际民间组织与朝鲜交流代表安德列表示,在平壤喜欢喝咖啡的居民在增多。 他指出,他