

发表于:2025-03-04 作者:咖啡编辑
编辑最后更新 2025年03月04日,专业咖啡知识交流 更多咖啡豆资讯 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style ) □ 萨尔瓦多温泉咖啡豆 伯尔哈庄园种植的咖啡品种以波旁为主,种植的区域分布于阿帕内卡镇(Apaneca)与圣萨尔瓦多活山区之间,这个区域拥有多元化的原生物种,生态环境相当良好。

专业咖啡知识交流 更多咖啡豆资讯 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style )

  • 萨尔瓦多温泉咖啡豆伯尔哈庄园种植的咖啡品种以波旁为主,种植的区域分布于阿帕内卡镇(Apaneca)与圣萨尔瓦多活山区之间,这个区域拥有多元化的原生物种,生态环境相当良好。负责为伯尔哈庄园进行精致处理的是Agua Caliente处理场,特别值得一提的是,该处理场进行精致水洗过程中使用的水源是引自附近的天然温泉水。
    □El Salvador JJ Borja Nathan
    Coffee from the JJ Borja Nathan family is cultivated in the Apaneca-Lamatepec mountain range. This region's volcanic origins have created a rich ecosystem with soil that is ideal for high quality coffee cultivation. Grown in the shade of well maintained native trees, the family farm preserves the natural habitat for local biodiversity.
    The JJ Borja Nathan family has full control of their coffee, from cultivation through to processing at their wet and dry m ill to guarantee top quality. One of the truly unique features to the farm is their use of the geothermal springs at the Agua Caliente Mill. Volcanically heated water comes out of the Earth at 104°F. They also use hot spring water at 95°F, and water from a local reservoir at 82°F. This combination of waters during wet mill processing gives the JJ Borja Nathan family coffee its unique profile.
    The JJ Borja Nathan family cultivates their selected coffee varietals for quality and flavor. They grow Bourbon, Pacas, Sampacho, and their own unique variety which they have named ABM. This variety is carefully processed under JJ Borja Nathan's own proprietary process.
    萨尔瓦多JJ Borja Nathan
    JJ Borja Nathan家族的咖啡种植在Apaneca-Lamatepec山脉。该地区的火山起源创造了一个丰富的土壤生态系统,是高品质咖啡种植的理想选择。家庭农场生长在维护良好的原生树木的树荫下,保留了当地生物多样性的自然栖息地。
    JJ Borja Nathan家族完全控制着他们的咖啡,从种植到干湿处理,以保证最高品质。农场真正独特的特色之一是他们使用Agua Caliente Mill的地热温泉。火山爆发的热水在104°F时从地球流出。他们还使用95°F的温泉水和82°F的当地水库的水。在湿磨加工过程中,这种水的组合为JJ Borja Nathan家族咖啡提供了独特的外形。
    JJ Borja Nathan家族为了品质和风味而种植他们精选的咖啡品种。他们种植了Bourbon,Pacas,Sampacho以及他们自己独特的品种,他们将其命名为ABM。这种品种在JJ Borja Nathan自己的专有工艺下经过精心加工。
    EL Salvador JJ Borja Nathan Estate


2018-08-17 12:59:33